06wk-2: 막대그래프, 심슨의 역설 (1)




October 11, 2023

1. 강의영상

2. Imports

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from plotnine import *

3. 비교를 위한 시각화

A. geom_col()

- 예시1: 기본적인 막대그래프

df = pd.DataFrame({'x':[0,1],'y':[40,60]})
x y
0 0 40
1 1 60
fig = ggplot(df)
col = geom_col(aes(x='x',y='y'))
fig + col

- 예시2: \(x\)축이 범주인 경우

df = pd.DataFrame({'sex':['male','female'],'score':[40,60]})
sex score
0 male 40
1 female 60
fig = ggplot(df)
col = geom_col(aes(x='sex',y='score'))
fig + col

- 예시3: 예시2에서 색깔로 구분하고 싶은 경우

df = pd.DataFrame({'sex':['male','female'],'score':[40,60]})
sex score
0 male 40
1 female 60
fig = ggplot(df)
col = geom_col(aes(x='sex',y='score',fill='sex'))
fig + col

- 예시4: 예시3에서 scale_fill_manual()을 이용하여 색상변경 하기

df = pd.DataFrame({'sex':['male','female'],'score':[40,60]})
sex score
0 male 40
1 female 60
fig = ggplot(df)
col = geom_col(aes(x='sex',y='score',fill='sex'))
fig + col + scale_fill_manual(['red','blue'])

B. facet_wrap()

- 예시1: facet_wrap()을 이용한 면분할 – 반별로 면분할

df = pd.DataFrame({'sex':['male','female','male','female'],'score':[40,60,50,20],'class':['A','A','B','B']})
sex score class
0 male 40 A
1 female 60 A
2 male 50 B
3 female 20 B
fig = ggplot(df)
col = geom_col(aes(x='sex',y='score',fill='sex')) 
fig + col + facet_wrap('class')

- 예시2: facet_wrap()을 이용한 면분할 – 성별로 면분할

df = pd.DataFrame({'sex':['male','female','male','female'],'score':[40,60,50,20],'class':['A','A','B','B']})
sex score class
0 male 40 A
1 female 60 A
2 male 50 B
3 female 20 B
fig = ggplot(df)
col = geom_col(aes(x='class',y='score',fill='sex')) 
fig + col + facet_wrap('sex')

4. 심슨의 역설

- 버클리대학교의 입학데이터

- 주장: 버클리대학에 gender bias가 존재한다.

  • 1973년 가을학기의 입학통계에 따르면 지원하는 남성이 여성보다 훨씬 많이 합격했고, 그 차이가 너무 커서 우연의 일치라 보기 어렵다.
department result gender count
0 A fail male 314
1 A fail female 19
2 A pass male 511
3 A pass female 89
4 B fail male 208
5 B fail female 7
6 B pass male 352
7 B pass female 18
8 C fail male 204
9 C fail female 391
10 C pass male 121
11 C pass female 202
12 D fail male 279
13 D fail female 244
14 D pass male 138
15 D pass female 131
16 E fail male 137
17 E fail female 299
18 E pass male 54
19 E pass female 94
20 F fail male 149
21 F fail female 103
22 F pass male 224
23 F pass female 238

A. 시각화1: 전체합격률 시각화 – pandas 초보

- 여성지원자의 합격률

df.query('gender == "female" and result =="pass"')['count'].sum() / df.query('gender == "female"')['count'].sum()

- 남성지원자의 합격률

df.query('gender == "male" and result =="pass"')['count'].sum() / df.query('gender == "male"')['count'].sum()

- 시각화

tidydata = pd.DataFrame({'male':[0.5202526941657376],'female':[0.420708446866485]})
male female
0 0.520253 0.420708
  • 이렇게 데이터 프레임을 만들면 망해요
tidydata = pd.DataFrame({'sex':['male','female'],'rate':[0.5202526941657376,0.420708446866485]})
sex rate
0 male 0.520253
1 female 0.420708
fig = ggplot(tidydata)
col = geom_col(aes(x='sex',y='rate',fill='sex'))
fig + col

B. 시각화1: 전체합격률 시각화 – pandas 고수

df.pivot_table(index='gender', columns='result', values='count', aggfunc=sum)
/tmp/ipykernel_3693597/1414298521.py:1: FutureWarning: The provided callable <built-in function sum> is currently using DataFrameGroupBy.sum. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "sum" instead.
result fail pass
female 1063 772
male 1291 1400
df.pivot_table(index='gender', columns='result', values='count', aggfunc=sum)\
.assign(rate = lambda _df: _df['pass'] / (_df['fail'] + _df['pass']))\
/tmp/ipykernel_3693597/3036569198.py:1: FutureWarning: The provided callable <built-in function sum> is currently using DataFrameGroupBy.sum. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "sum" instead.
result gender fail pass rate
0 female 1063 772 0.420708
1 male 1291 1400 0.520253
tidydata = df.pivot_table(index='gender', columns='result', values='count', aggfunc=sum)\
.assign(rate = lambda _df: _df['pass'] / (_df['fail'] + _df['pass']))\

fig = ggplot(tidydata) 
col = geom_col(aes(x='gender',y='rate',fill='gender'))
fig + col 
/tmp/ipykernel_3693597/1840989269.py:1: FutureWarning: The provided callable <built-in function sum> is currently using DataFrameGroupBy.sum. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "sum" instead.

5. HW

적당한 데이터프레임을 선언하고 아래와 같은 barplot을 그려라.
