



October 24, 2022

판다스– 새로운 열의 할당(2), 자료분석–FIFA23 데이터분석, 판다스– Groupby




# !pip install pandas_profiling
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pandas_profiling
from plotnine import *

판다스: 새로운 열의 할당 2단계 (연쇄할당)


- 원본데이터를 가급적 손상시키지 않으면서 데이터를 변형하고 싶음.

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':range(0,5),'B':range(1,6)})
0 0 1
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 4
4 4 5

복사본 생성

df2 = df 
0 0 1
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 4
4 4 5
df2['C'] = (df2.A+ df2.B)/2
0 0 1 0.5
1 1 2 1.5
2 2 3 2.5
3 3 4 3.5
4 4 5 4.5
df2['D']= (df2.C - np.mean(df2.C))/np.std(df2.C) 
0 0 1 0.5 -1.414214
1 1 2 1.5 -0.707107
2 2 3 2.5 0.000000
3 3 4 3.5 0.707107
4 4 5 4.5 1.414214
df # 니가 왜 거기서 나와??
0 0 1 0.5 -1.414214
1 1 2 1.5 -0.707107
2 2 3 2.5 0.000000
3 3 4 3.5 0.707107
4 4 5 4.5 1.414214

해결책1: df.copy()이용, .eval()이용

- 올바른코드1

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':range(0,5),'B':range(1,6)})
df2 = df.copy() 
df2['C'] = (df2.A+ df2.B)/2
df2['D']= (df2.C - np.mean(df2.C))/np.std(df2.C) 
0 0 1 0.5 -1.414214
1 1 2 1.5 -0.707107
2 2 3 2.5 0.000000
3 3 4 3.5 0.707107
4 4 5 4.5 1.414214
0 0 1
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 4
4 4 5

- 올바른코드2

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':range(0,5),'B':range(1,6)})
mean = np.mean 
std = np.std 
0 0 1 0.5 -1.414214
1 1 2 1.5 -0.707107
2 2 3 2.5 0.000000
3 3 4 3.5 0.707107
4 4 5 4.5 1.414214
  • 어디까지 eval expression 안에서 지원되는지 명확하지 않고
  • 외부에 함수를 선언하고 eval expression 안에 @를 붙이는게 좀 귀찮음

- 올바른코드3 (assign) –> 실패

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':range(0,5),'B':range(1,6)})
df.assign(C= (df.A+df.B)/2) 
0 0 1 0.5
1 1 2 1.5
2 2 3 2.5
3 3 4 3.5
4 4 5 4.5
df.assign(C= (df.A+df.B)/2).assign(D= (df.C- np.mean(df.C))/np.std(df.C))
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'C'

아래와 같이 고쳐야함

_df = df.assign(C= (df.A+df.B)/2)
_df.assign(D= (_df.C- np.mean(_df.C))/np.std(_df.C))
0 0 1 0.5 -1.414214
1 1 2 1.5 -0.707107
2 2 3 2.5 0.000000
3 3 4 3.5 0.707107
4 4 5 4.5 1.414214
  • 이건 우리의 철학이랑 안맞음..

해결책2: assign을 이용한 연쇄할당

실패한코드는 아래와 같다.

df.assign(C= (df.A+df.B)/2).assign(D= (df.C- np.mean(df.C))/np.std(df.C))
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'C'

두번째 assign에서 표현된 df.C 에서, df가 current df (= df.assign(C= (df.A+df.B)/2) 까지 연산된 상태) 를 의미하도록 만들고 싶다. \(\to\) 아래와 같이 lambda df: 를 추가하면 된다.

df.assign(C= (df.A+df.B)/2).assign(D= lambda df: (df.C- np.mean(df.C))/np.std(df.C))
0 0 1 0.5 -1.414214
1 1 2 1.5 -0.707107
2 2 3 2.5 0.000000
3 3 4 3.5 0.707107
4 4 5 4.5 1.414214

- 연쇄할당

df.assign(C = (df.A+df.B)/2).assign(D = lambda df: df.C +2).assign(E = lambda df: df.D - 2)
0 0 1 0.5 2.5 0.5
1 1 2 1.5 3.5 1.5
2 2 3 2.5 4.5 2.5
3 3 4 3.5 5.5 3.5
4 4 5 4.5 6.5 4.5

FIFA23 데이터분석

FIFA23 data

- FIFA23라는 축구게임이 있음

- 게임에 실제 선수들이 나오면서 선수들의 능력치가 세밀하게 구현되어 있음

- 선수들 능력치에 대한 데이터셋은 캐글에 공개되어 있음 - https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/bryanb/fifa-player-stats-database?select=FIFA23_official_data.csv


- 일단 살펴보기

ID Name Age Photo Nationality Flag Overall Potential Club Club Logo ... Real Face Position Joined Loaned From Contract Valid Until Height Weight Release Clause Kit Number Best Overall Rating
0 209658 L. Goretzka 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/209/658/23_60.png Germany https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png 87 88 FC Bayern München https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/21/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos28">SUB Jul 1, 2018 NaN 2026 189cm 82kg €157M 8.0 NaN
1 212198 Bruno Fernandes 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/212/198/23_60.png Portugal https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pt.png 86 87 Manchester United https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/11/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos15">LCM Jan 30, 2020 NaN 2026 179cm 69kg €155M 8.0 NaN
2 224334 M. Acuña 30 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/334/23_60.png Argentina https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/ar.png 85 85 Sevilla FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/481/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos7">LB Sep 14, 2020 NaN 2024 172cm 69kg €97.7M 19.0 NaN
3 192985 K. De Bruyne 31 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/192/985/23_60.png Belgium https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/be.png 91 91 Manchester City https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/10/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Aug 30, 2015 NaN 2025 181cm 70kg €198.9M 17.0 NaN
4 224232 N. Barella 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/232/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 86 89 Inter https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/44/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Sep 1, 2020 NaN 2026 172cm 68kg €154.4M 23.0 NaN

5 rows × 29 columns

트랜스포즈하여 보는 것이 편할때도 있음

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 17650 17651 17652 17653 17654 17655 17656 17657 17658 17659
ID 209658 212198 224334 192985 224232 212622 197445 187961 208333 210514 ... 256879 269546 267647 253186 267461 269526 267946 270567 256624 256376
Name L. Goretzka Bruno Fernandes M. Acuña K. De Bruyne N. Barella J. Kimmich D. Alaba 22 Paulinho E. Can João Cancelo ... 22 G. Leijon Wu Fei 22 E. Grosz 22 S. Booth 22 L. Grimpe Deng Xiongtao 22 Lim Jun Sub A. Demir 21 S. Czajor 21 F. Jakobsson
Age 27 27 30 31 25 27 30 32 28 28 ... 19 32 18 20 17 19 17 25 18 20
Photo https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/209/658/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/212/198/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/334/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/192/985/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/232/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/212/622/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/197/445/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/187/961/22_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/208/333/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/210/514/23_60.png ... https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/879/22_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/546/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/647/22_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/253/186/22_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/461/22_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/526/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/946/22_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/270/567/23_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/624/21_60.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/376/21_60.png
Nationality Germany Portugal Argentina Belgium Italy Germany Austria Brazil Germany Portugal ... Sweden China PR Romania England Germany China PR Korea Republic Turkey Poland Sweden
Flag https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pt.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/ar.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/be.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/at.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/br.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pt.png ... https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/se.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/ro.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/gb-eng.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/tr.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pl.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/se.png
Overall 87 86 85 91 86 89 86 83 82 88 ... 52 51 52 51 54 48 48 51 50 50
Potential 88 87 85 91 89 90 86 83 82 88 ... 62 51 70 60 68 61 64 56 65 61
Club FC Bayern München Manchester United Sevilla FC Manchester City Inter FC Bayern München Real Madrid CF Al Ahli Borussia Dortmund Manchester City ... Örebro SK Wuhan Three Towns Gaz Metan Mediaş Crewe Alexandra RB Leipzig Meizhou Hakka Jeju United FC Ümraniyespor Fleetwood Town IFK Norrköping
Club Logo https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/21/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/11/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/481/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/10/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/44/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/21/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/243/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112387/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/22/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/10/30.png ... https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/705/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/116361/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112637/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/121/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112172/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/114628/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/1478/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/113796/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112260/30.png https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/702/30.png
Value €91M €78.5M €46.5M €107.5M €89.5M €105.5M €55.5M €28.5M €30.5M €82.5M ... €150K €30K €180K €110K €210K €100K €100K €70K €90K €90K
Wage €115K €190K €46K €350K €110K €130K €220K €61K €63K €250K ... €500 €2K €500 €850 €500 €500 €500 €2K €500 €500
Special 2312 2305 2303 2303 2296 2283 2277 2273 2271 2262 ... 779 777 775 768 767 762 761 759 758 749
Preferred Foot Right Right Left Right Right Right Left Right Right Right ... Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Left
International Reputation 4.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 ... 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Weak Foot 4.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ... 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Skill Moves 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 ... 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Work Rate High/ Medium High/ High High/ High High/ High High/ High High/ Medium Medium/ Medium High/ High Medium/ High High/ Medium ... Medium/ Medium Medium/ Medium Medium/ Medium Medium/ Medium Medium/ Medium Medium/ Medium Medium/ Medium Medium/ Medium Medium/ Medium Medium/ Medium
Body Type Unique Unique Stocky (170-185) Unique Normal (170-) Normal (170-185) Normal (170-185) Normal (170-185) Stocky (185+) Unique ... Normal (185+) Normal (185+) Lean (185+) Lean (185+) Lean (185+) Normal (185+) Lean (185+) Lean (185+) Normal (185+) Normal (185+)
Real Face Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ... No No No No No No No No No No
Position <span class="pos pos28">SUB <span class="pos pos15">LCM <span class="pos pos7">LB <span class="pos pos13">RCM <span class="pos pos13">RCM <span class="pos pos9">RDM <span class="pos pos6">LCB <span class="pos pos15">LCM <span class="pos pos28">SUB <span class="pos pos7">LB ... <span class="pos pos28">SUB <span class="pos pos28">SUB <span class="pos pos28">SUB <span class="pos pos29">RES <span class="pos pos29">RES <span class="pos pos29">RES <span class="pos pos29">RES <span class="pos pos29">RES <span class="pos pos29">RES <span class="pos pos29">RES
Joined Jul 1, 2018 Jan 30, 2020 Sep 14, 2020 Aug 30, 2015 Sep 1, 2020 Jul 1, 2015 Jul 1, 2021 Jul 22, 2021 Feb 18, 2020 Aug 7, 2019 ... Jun 14, 2020 Feb 15, 2019 Jul 1, 2020 Jul 1, 2019 Feb 7, 2022 Apr 11, 2022 Jan 1, 2022 Jun 6, 2021 Jan 1, 2020 Jan 8, 2020
Loaned From NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Contract Valid Until 2026 2026 2024 2025 2026 2025 2026 2024 2024 2027 ... 2022 2022 2022 2022 2023 2027 2026 2023 2021 2021
Height 189cm 179cm 172cm 181cm 172cm 177cm 180cm 183cm 186cm 182cm ... 188cm 186cm 190cm 195cm 186cm 190cm 195cm 190cm 187cm 186cm
Weight 82kg 69kg 69kg 70kg 68kg 75kg 78kg 80kg 86kg 74kg ... 81kg 78kg 70kg 80kg 78kg 78kg 84kg 82kg 79kg 78kg
Release Clause €157M €155M €97.7M €198.9M €154.4M €182M €113.8M €48.5M €51.9M €152.6M ... €218K €47K €356K €215K €488K €218K €188K €142K €214K €131K
Kit Number 8.0 8.0 19.0 17.0 23.0 6.0 4.0 15.0 23.0 7.0 ... 33.0 1.0 99.0 27.0 43.0 35.0 21.0 12.0 40.0 30.0
Best Overall Rating NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

29 rows × 17660 columns

- column이름조사

Index(['ID', 'Name', 'Age', 'Photo', 'Nationality', 'Flag', 'Overall',
       'Potential', 'Club', 'Club Logo', 'Value', 'Wage', 'Special',
       'Preferred Foot', 'International Reputation', 'Weak Foot',
       'Skill Moves', 'Work Rate', 'Body Type', 'Real Face', 'Position',
       'Joined', 'Loaned From', 'Contract Valid Until', 'Height', 'Weight',
       'Release Clause', 'Kit Number', 'Best Overall Rating'],
  • 이름에 space가 있어서 좀 거슬림

- 각 column 별로 자료형조사

pd.DataFrame({'colname':df.keys(), 'dtype':[df[key].dtype for key in df.keys()]})
colname dtype
0 ID int64
1 Name object
2 Age int64
3 Photo object
4 Nationality object
5 Flag object
6 Overall int64
7 Potential int64
8 Club object
9 Club Logo object
10 Value object
11 Wage object
12 Special int64
13 Preferred Foot object
14 International Reputation float64
15 Weak Foot float64
16 Skill Moves float64
17 Work Rate object
18 Body Type object
19 Real Face object
20 Position object
21 Joined object
22 Loaned From object
23 Contract Valid Until object
24 Height object
25 Weight object
26 Release Clause object
27 Kit Number float64
28 Best Overall Rating object

- 결측치조사

              'dtype':[df[key].dtype for key in df.keys()],
              'na':[df[key].isna().sum() for key in df.keys()]
colname dtype na
0 ID int64 0
1 Name object 0
2 Age int64 0
3 Photo object 0
4 Nationality object 0
5 Flag object 0
6 Overall int64 0
7 Potential int64 0
8 Club object 211
9 Club Logo object 0
10 Value object 0
11 Wage object 0
12 Special int64 0
13 Preferred Foot object 0
14 International Reputation float64 0
15 Weak Foot float64 0
16 Skill Moves float64 0
17 Work Rate object 0
18 Body Type object 38
19 Real Face object 38
20 Position object 35
21 Joined object 1098
22 Loaned From object 16966
23 Contract Valid Until object 361
24 Height object 0
25 Weight object 0
26 Release Clause object 1151
27 Kit Number float64 35
28 Best Overall Rating object 17639

(퀴즈) 열의선택: 결측치가 10000개 이상인 열을 보고싶다면?

df.loc[:,[df[key].isna().sum()>10000 for key in df.keys()]]
Loaned From Best Overall Rating
0 NaN NaN
1 NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN
3 NaN NaN
4 NaN NaN
... ... ...
17655 NaN NaN
17656 NaN NaN
17657 NaN NaN
17658 NaN NaN
17659 NaN NaN

17660 rows × 2 columns

- .info()

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 17660 entries, 0 to 17659
Data columns (total 29 columns):
 #   Column                    Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                    --------------  -----  
 0   ID                        17660 non-null  int64  
 1   Name                      17660 non-null  object 
 2   Age                       17660 non-null  int64  
 3   Photo                     17660 non-null  object 
 4   Nationality               17660 non-null  object 
 5   Flag                      17660 non-null  object 
 6   Overall                   17660 non-null  int64  
 7   Potential                 17660 non-null  int64  
 8   Club                      17449 non-null  object 
 9   Club Logo                 17660 non-null  object 
 10  Value                     17660 non-null  object 
 11  Wage                      17660 non-null  object 
 12  Special                   17660 non-null  int64  
 13  Preferred Foot            17660 non-null  object 
 14  International Reputation  17660 non-null  float64
 15  Weak Foot                 17660 non-null  float64
 16  Skill Moves               17660 non-null  float64
 17  Work Rate                 17660 non-null  object 
 18  Body Type                 17622 non-null  object 
 19  Real Face                 17622 non-null  object 
 20  Position                  17625 non-null  object 
 21  Joined                    16562 non-null  object 
 22  Loaned From               694 non-null    object 
 23  Contract Valid Until      17299 non-null  object 
 24  Height                    17660 non-null  object 
 25  Weight                    17660 non-null  object 
 26  Release Clause            16509 non-null  object 
 27  Kit Number                17625 non-null  float64
 28  Best Overall Rating       21 non-null     object 
dtypes: float64(4), int64(5), object(20)
memory usage: 3.9+ MB

- .describe(): 숫자들이 저장된 column에 대하여 기본통계량 조사

ID Age Overall Potential Special International Reputation Weak Foot Skill Moves Kit Number
count 17660.000000 17660.000000 17660.000000 17660.000000 17660.000000 17660.000000 17660.000000 17660.000000 17625.000000
mean 246319.424462 23.127746 63.369592 70.981200 1537.915855 1.106285 2.900340 2.297169 25.037957
std 31487.892861 4.639821 8.036268 6.529836 285.893809 0.407021 0.663523 0.754264 19.154116
min 16.000000 15.000000 43.000000 42.000000 749.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
25% 240732.500000 20.000000 58.000000 67.000000 1387.000000 1.000000 3.000000 2.000000 11.000000
50% 257041.000000 22.000000 63.000000 71.000000 1548.000000 1.000000 3.000000 2.000000 22.000000
75% 263027.500000 26.000000 69.000000 75.000000 1727.000000 1.000000 3.000000 3.000000 32.000000
max 271340.000000 54.000000 91.000000 95.000000 2312.000000 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 99.000000

- pandas_profiling.ProfileReport()을 이용한 전체적인 조사

# pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(df).to_file('fifa2023_reprot.html')

- 특정열을 중심으로 정렬하여 보기

index ID Name Age Photo Nationality Flag Overall Potential Club ... Real Face Position Joined Loaned From Contract Valid Until Height Weight Release Clause Kit Number Best Overall Rating
0 41 188545 R. Lewandowski 33 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/188/545/23_60.png Poland https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pl.png 91 91 FC Barcelona ... Yes <span class="pos pos25">ST Jul 18, 2022 NaN 2025 185cm 81kg €172.2M 9.0 NaN
1 124 165153 K. Benzema 34 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/165/153/23_60.png France https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/fr.png 91 91 Real Madrid CF ... Yes <span class="pos pos21">CF Jul 9, 2009 NaN 2023 185cm 81kg €131.2M 9.0 NaN
2 3 192985 K. De Bruyne 31 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/192/985/23_60.png Belgium https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/be.png 91 91 Manchester City ... Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Aug 30, 2015 NaN 2025 181cm 70kg €198.9M 17.0 NaN
3 56 158023 L. Messi 35 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/158/023/23_60.png Argentina https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/ar.png 91 91 Paris Saint-Germain ... Yes <span class="pos pos23">RW Aug 10, 2021 NaN 2023 169cm 67kg €99.9M 30.0 NaN
4 75 231747 K. Mbappé 23 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/231/747/23_60.png France https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/fr.png 91 95 Paris Saint-Germain ... Yes <span class="pos pos25">ST Jul 1, 2018 NaN 2025 182cm 73kg €366.7M 7.0 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17655 15513 266751 22 Jung Ho Yeon 20 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/266/751/22_60.png Korea Republic https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png 45 53 GwangJu FC ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 20, 2022 NaN 2026 180cm 73kg €145K 23.0 NaN
17656 16215 268279 22 J. Looschen 24 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/268/279/22_60.png Germany https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png 44 47 SV Meppen ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Mar 19, 2022 NaN 2026 178cm 78kg €92K 42.0 NaN
17657 16042 255283 20 Kim Yeong Geun 22 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/255/283/20_60.png Korea Republic https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png 44 49 Gyeongnam FC ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 9, 2020 NaN 2020 174cm 71kg €53K 43.0 NaN
17658 14634 269038 22 Zhang Wenxuan 16 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/038/22_60.png China PR https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png 44 59 Guangzhou FC ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES May 1, 2022 NaN 2022 175cm 70kg €239K 29.0 NaN
17659 17618 168933 07 I. Paskov 33 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/168/933/07_60.png Bulgaria https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/bg.png 43 42 NaN ... NaN <span class="pos pos28">SUB NaN NaN NaN 184cm 79kg NaN 24.0 NaN

17660 rows × 30 columns

- 특정열을 중심으로 그룹화하여 보기 (\(\star\))

df.Nationality.unique() # 데이터셋에 포함된 나라들 출력
array(['Germany', 'Portugal', 'Argentina', 'Belgium', 'Italy', 'Austria',
       'Brazil', 'Croatia', 'Serbia', 'Spain', 'Netherlands', 'France',
       'Colombia', 'England', 'Uruguay', 'Morocco', 'Egypt', 'Algeria',
       'Ukraine', 'United States', "Côte d'Ivoire", 'Poland', 'Chile',
       'Senegal', 'Central African Republic', 'Denmark', 'Nigeria',
       'Mexico', 'Turkey', 'Canada', 'Wales', 'Scotland', 'Romania',
       'Czech Republic', 'Ghana', 'Korea Republic',
       'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'Mali', 'Slovakia', 'Armenia', 'Norway',
       'Switzerland', 'Cameroon', 'Peru', 'Jamaica', 'Zambia', 'Guinea',
       'Sweden', 'North Macedonia', 'Russia', 'Tunisia', 'Malta',
       'Angola', 'Republic of Ireland', 'Ecuador', 'Benin', 'Paraguay',
       'Montenegro', 'Australia', 'Comoros', 'Gabon', 'Iceland',
       'Slovenia', 'Japan', 'Israel', 'China PR', 'Venezuela', 'Liberia',
       'Greece', 'Bulgaria', 'Honduras', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Curacao',
       'Northern Ireland', 'Guinea Bissau', 'Kosovo', 'Hungary',
       'Finland', 'Costa Rica', 'Albania', 'Congo DR', 'Iran',
       'Mozambique', 'Suriname', 'Cape Verde Islands', 'Bolivia',
       'Madagascar', 'New Zealand', 'Burkina Faso', 'Dominican Republic',
       'Kazakhstan', 'Syria', 'Luxembourg', 'Kenya', 'Zimbabwe', 'Haiti',
       'Uzbekistan', 'South Africa', 'Cyprus', 'Qatar',
       'Equatorial Guinea', 'Libya', 'Thailand', 'Togo',
       'Trinidad and Tobago', 'Liechtenstein', 'Gambia', 'Georgia',
       'Philippines', 'Burundi', 'United Arab Emirates', 'Grenada',
       'Iraq', 'Panama', 'Malaysia', 'Moldova', 'Congo', 'India',
       'Jordan', 'Kuwait', 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'Cuba', 'Vietnam',
       'Korea DPR', 'Uganda', 'Lithuania', 'Estonia', 'Montserrat',
       'Sierra Leone', 'Afghanistan', 'New Caledonia', 'Belarus', 'Laos',
       'Saint Lucia', 'Bhutan', 'Guyana', 'Mauritania', 'Faroe Islands',
       'Namibia', 'Niger', 'Palestine', 'Sudan', 'Azerbaijan',
       'Hong Kong', 'Gibraltar', 'Tanzania', 'Latvia', 'Chinese Taipei',
       'Singapore', 'Lebanon', 'El Salvador', 'Indonesia', 'Guatemala',
       'Papua New Guinea', 'Puerto Rico', 'Malawi', 'South Sudan',
       'Ethiopia', 'San Marino', 'Andorra', 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'],
df.groupby(by='Nationality')[['Overall']].agg({np.mean,len}).sort_values(('Overall', 'mean'),ascending=False)
mean len
Philippines 74.000000 1
Namibia 72.000000 1
Mozambique 72.000000 2
Kuwait 71.000000 1
Brazil 70.556586 539
... ... ...
San Marino 53.000000 1
China PR 52.230769 325
South Sudan 52.000000 5
India 51.994681 188
Saint Kitts and Nevis 51.000000 1

161 rows × 2 columns

  • groupby는 나중에 다시 설명 합니다.


- 칼럼이름변경

df.set_axis(pd.Index(map(lambda x: x.replace(' ','_'), df.columns)), axis=1)
ID Name Age Photo Nationality Flag Overall Potential Club Club_Logo ... Real_Face Position Joined Loaned_From Contract_Valid_Until Height Weight Release_Clause Kit_Number Best_Overall_Rating
0 209658 L. Goretzka 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/209/658/23_60.png Germany https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png 87 88 FC Bayern München https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/21/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos28">SUB Jul 1, 2018 NaN 2026 189cm 82kg €157M 8.0 NaN
1 212198 Bruno Fernandes 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/212/198/23_60.png Portugal https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pt.png 86 87 Manchester United https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/11/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos15">LCM Jan 30, 2020 NaN 2026 179cm 69kg €155M 8.0 NaN
2 224334 M. Acuña 30 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/334/23_60.png Argentina https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/ar.png 85 85 Sevilla FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/481/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos7">LB Sep 14, 2020 NaN 2024 172cm 69kg €97.7M 19.0 NaN
3 192985 K. De Bruyne 31 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/192/985/23_60.png Belgium https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/be.png 91 91 Manchester City https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/10/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Aug 30, 2015 NaN 2025 181cm 70kg €198.9M 17.0 NaN
4 224232 N. Barella 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/232/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 86 89 Inter https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/44/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Sep 1, 2020 NaN 2026 172cm 68kg €154.4M 23.0 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17655 269526 Deng Xiongtao 19 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/526/23_60.png China PR https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png 48 61 Meizhou Hakka https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/114628/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Apr 11, 2022 NaN 2027 190cm 78kg €218K 35.0 NaN
17656 267946 22 Lim Jun Sub 17 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/946/22_60.png Korea Republic https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png 48 64 Jeju United FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/1478/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2022 NaN 2026 195cm 84kg €188K 21.0 NaN
17657 270567 A. Demir 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/270/567/23_60.png Turkey https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/tr.png 51 56 Ümraniyespor https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/113796/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jun 6, 2021 NaN 2023 190cm 82kg €142K 12.0 NaN
17658 256624 21 S. Czajor 18 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/624/21_60.png Poland https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pl.png 50 65 Fleetwood Town https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112260/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2020 NaN 2021 187cm 79kg €214K 40.0 NaN
17659 256376 21 F. Jakobsson 20 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/376/21_60.png Sweden https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/se.png 50 61 IFK Norrköping https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/702/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 8, 2020 NaN 2021 186cm 78kg €131K 30.0 NaN

17660 rows × 29 columns

- 결측치제거

df.drop(columns=['Loaned From', 'Best Overall Rating']).dropna()
ID Name Age Photo Nationality Flag Overall Potential Club Club Logo ... Work Rate Body Type Real Face Position Joined Contract Valid Until Height Weight Release Clause Kit Number
0 209658 L. Goretzka 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/209/658/23_60.png Germany https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png 87 88 FC Bayern München https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/21/30.png ... High/ Medium Unique Yes <span class="pos pos28">SUB Jul 1, 2018 2026 189cm 82kg €157M 8.0
1 212198 Bruno Fernandes 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/212/198/23_60.png Portugal https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pt.png 86 87 Manchester United https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/11/30.png ... High/ High Unique Yes <span class="pos pos15">LCM Jan 30, 2020 2026 179cm 69kg €155M 8.0
2 224334 M. Acuña 30 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/334/23_60.png Argentina https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/ar.png 85 85 Sevilla FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/481/30.png ... High/ High Stocky (170-185) No <span class="pos pos7">LB Sep 14, 2020 2024 172cm 69kg €97.7M 19.0
3 192985 K. De Bruyne 31 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/192/985/23_60.png Belgium https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/be.png 91 91 Manchester City https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/10/30.png ... High/ High Unique Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Aug 30, 2015 2025 181cm 70kg €198.9M 17.0
4 224232 N. Barella 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/232/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 86 89 Inter https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/44/30.png ... High/ High Normal (170-) Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Sep 1, 2020 2026 172cm 68kg €154.4M 23.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17655 269526 Deng Xiongtao 19 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/526/23_60.png China PR https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png 48 61 Meizhou Hakka https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/114628/30.png ... Medium/ Medium Normal (185+) No <span class="pos pos29">RES Apr 11, 2022 2027 190cm 78kg €218K 35.0
17656 267946 22 Lim Jun Sub 17 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/946/22_60.png Korea Republic https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png 48 64 Jeju United FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/1478/30.png ... Medium/ Medium Lean (185+) No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2022 2026 195cm 84kg €188K 21.0
17657 270567 A. Demir 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/270/567/23_60.png Turkey https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/tr.png 51 56 Ümraniyespor https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/113796/30.png ... Medium/ Medium Lean (185+) No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jun 6, 2021 2023 190cm 82kg €142K 12.0
17658 256624 21 S. Czajor 18 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/624/21_60.png Poland https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pl.png 50 65 Fleetwood Town https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112260/30.png ... Medium/ Medium Normal (185+) No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2020 2021 187cm 79kg €214K 40.0
17659 256376 21 F. Jakobsson 20 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/376/21_60.png Sweden https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/se.png 50 61 IFK Norrköping https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/702/30.png ... Medium/ Medium Normal (185+) No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 8, 2020 2021 186cm 78kg €131K 30.0

16364 rows × 27 columns

- Height, Weight의 자료형을 float형으로 수정하기

    Height= list(map(lambda x: float(x[:-2]), df.Height)),
    Weight= list(map(lambda x: float(x[:-2]), df.Weight))
ID Name Age Photo Nationality Flag Overall Potential Club Club Logo ... Real Face Position Joined Loaned From Contract Valid Until Height Weight Release Clause Kit Number Best Overall Rating
0 209658 L. Goretzka 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/209/658/23_60.png Germany https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png 87 88 FC Bayern München https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/21/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos28">SUB Jul 1, 2018 NaN 2026 189.0 82.0 €157M 8.0 NaN
1 212198 Bruno Fernandes 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/212/198/23_60.png Portugal https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pt.png 86 87 Manchester United https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/11/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos15">LCM Jan 30, 2020 NaN 2026 179.0 69.0 €155M 8.0 NaN
2 224334 M. Acuña 30 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/334/23_60.png Argentina https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/ar.png 85 85 Sevilla FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/481/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos7">LB Sep 14, 2020 NaN 2024 172.0 69.0 €97.7M 19.0 NaN
3 192985 K. De Bruyne 31 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/192/985/23_60.png Belgium https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/be.png 91 91 Manchester City https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/10/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Aug 30, 2015 NaN 2025 181.0 70.0 €198.9M 17.0 NaN
4 224232 N. Barella 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/232/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 86 89 Inter https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/44/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Sep 1, 2020 NaN 2026 172.0 68.0 €154.4M 23.0 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17655 269526 Deng Xiongtao 19 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/526/23_60.png China PR https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png 48 61 Meizhou Hakka https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/114628/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Apr 11, 2022 NaN 2027 190.0 78.0 €218K 35.0 NaN
17656 267946 22 Lim Jun Sub 17 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/946/22_60.png Korea Republic https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png 48 64 Jeju United FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/1478/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2022 NaN 2026 195.0 84.0 €188K 21.0 NaN
17657 270567 A. Demir 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/270/567/23_60.png Turkey https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/tr.png 51 56 Ümraniyespor https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/113796/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jun 6, 2021 NaN 2023 190.0 82.0 €142K 12.0 NaN
17658 256624 21 S. Czajor 18 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/624/21_60.png Poland https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pl.png 50 65 Fleetwood Town https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112260/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2020 NaN 2021 187.0 79.0 €214K 40.0 NaN
17659 256376 21 F. Jakobsson 20 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/376/21_60.png Sweden https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/se.png 50 61 IFK Norrköping https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/702/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 8, 2020 NaN 2021 186.0 78.0 €131K 30.0 NaN

17660 rows × 29 columns

- Release Clause의 자료형을 float으로 수정하기

df['Release Clause']
0          €157M
1          €155M
2         €97.7M
3        €198.9M
4        €154.4M
17655      €218K
17656      €188K
17657      €142K
17658      €214K
17659      €131K
Name: Release Clause, Length: 17660, dtype: object
_f = lambda x: float(x[1:-1])*1000 if x[-1]=='K' else float(x[1:-1])*1000000


list(map(_f,df['Release Clause']))
TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable

(시도1이 실패한 이유)

df['Release Clause'].isna().sum() # 이 column에는 1151개의 결측치가 존재

(nan에 대한 예비학습)

df.loc[df['Release Clause'].isna(), 'Release Clause']
18       NaN
34       NaN
38       NaN
49       NaN
50       NaN
17378    NaN
17386    NaN
17535    NaN
17590    NaN
17618    NaN
Name: Release Clause, Length: 1151, dtype: object
df.loc[18, 'Release Clause']
pd.isna(df.loc[18, 'Release Clause'])
type(df.loc[18, 'Release Clause'])
df.loc[18, 'Release Clause'][-1]
TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable


df.rename(columns={'Release Clause':'ReleaseClause'})\
.assign(ReleaseClause = list(map(lambda x: _f(x) if pd.isna(x)==False else x , df['Release Clause'])))\
.rename(columns={'ReleaseClause':'Release Clause'})
ID Name Age Photo Nationality Flag Overall Potential Club Club Logo ... Real Face Position Joined Loaned From Contract Valid Until Height Weight Release Clause Kit Number Best Overall Rating
0 209658 L. Goretzka 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/209/658/23_60.png Germany https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png 87 88 FC Bayern München https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/21/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos28">SUB Jul 1, 2018 NaN 2026 189cm 82kg 157000000.0 8.0 NaN
1 212198 Bruno Fernandes 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/212/198/23_60.png Portugal https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pt.png 86 87 Manchester United https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/11/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos15">LCM Jan 30, 2020 NaN 2026 179cm 69kg 155000000.0 8.0 NaN
2 224334 M. Acuña 30 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/334/23_60.png Argentina https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/ar.png 85 85 Sevilla FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/481/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos7">LB Sep 14, 2020 NaN 2024 172cm 69kg 97700000.0 19.0 NaN
3 192985 K. De Bruyne 31 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/192/985/23_60.png Belgium https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/be.png 91 91 Manchester City https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/10/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Aug 30, 2015 NaN 2025 181cm 70kg 198900000.0 17.0 NaN
4 224232 N. Barella 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/232/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 86 89 Inter https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/44/30.png ... Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Sep 1, 2020 NaN 2026 172cm 68kg 154400000.0 23.0 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17655 269526 Deng Xiongtao 19 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/526/23_60.png China PR https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png 48 61 Meizhou Hakka https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/114628/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Apr 11, 2022 NaN 2027 190cm 78kg 218000.0 35.0 NaN
17656 267946 22 Lim Jun Sub 17 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/946/22_60.png Korea Republic https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png 48 64 Jeju United FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/1478/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2022 NaN 2026 195cm 84kg 188000.0 21.0 NaN
17657 270567 A. Demir 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/270/567/23_60.png Turkey https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/tr.png 51 56 Ümraniyespor https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/113796/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jun 6, 2021 NaN 2023 190cm 82kg 142000.0 12.0 NaN
17658 256624 21 S. Czajor 18 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/624/21_60.png Poland https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pl.png 50 65 Fleetwood Town https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112260/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2020 NaN 2021 187cm 79kg 214000.0 40.0 NaN
17659 256376 21 F. Jakobsson 20 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/376/21_60.png Sweden https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/se.png 50 61 IFK Norrköping https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/702/30.png ... No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 8, 2020 NaN 2021 186cm 78kg 131000.0 30.0 NaN

17660 rows × 29 columns

(시도3–성공) 그냥 결측치를 제거하고 변형해도 무방..

df2 = df.drop(columns=['Loaned From', 'Best Overall Rating']).dropna()
df2['Release Clause'] = list(map(lambda x: _f(x) if pd.isna(x)==False else x , df2['Release Clause']))
ID Name Age Photo Nationality Flag Overall Potential Club Club Logo ... Work Rate Body Type Real Face Position Joined Contract Valid Until Height Weight Release Clause Kit Number
0 209658 L. Goretzka 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/209/658/23_60.png Germany https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png 87 88 FC Bayern München https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/21/30.png ... High/ Medium Unique Yes <span class="pos pos28">SUB Jul 1, 2018 2026 189cm 82kg 157000000.0 8.0
1 212198 Bruno Fernandes 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/212/198/23_60.png Portugal https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pt.png 86 87 Manchester United https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/11/30.png ... High/ High Unique Yes <span class="pos pos15">LCM Jan 30, 2020 2026 179cm 69kg 155000000.0 8.0
2 224334 M. Acuña 30 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/334/23_60.png Argentina https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/ar.png 85 85 Sevilla FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/481/30.png ... High/ High Stocky (170-185) No <span class="pos pos7">LB Sep 14, 2020 2024 172cm 69kg 97700000.0 19.0
3 192985 K. De Bruyne 31 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/192/985/23_60.png Belgium https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/be.png 91 91 Manchester City https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/10/30.png ... High/ High Unique Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Aug 30, 2015 2025 181cm 70kg 198900000.0 17.0
4 224232 N. Barella 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/232/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 86 89 Inter https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/44/30.png ... High/ High Normal (170-) Yes <span class="pos pos13">RCM Sep 1, 2020 2026 172cm 68kg 154400000.0 23.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17655 269526 Deng Xiongtao 19 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/526/23_60.png China PR https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png 48 61 Meizhou Hakka https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/114628/30.png ... Medium/ Medium Normal (185+) No <span class="pos pos29">RES Apr 11, 2022 2027 190cm 78kg 218000.0 35.0
17656 267946 22 Lim Jun Sub 17 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/946/22_60.png Korea Republic https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png 48 64 Jeju United FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/1478/30.png ... Medium/ Medium Lean (185+) No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2022 2026 195cm 84kg 188000.0 21.0
17657 270567 A. Demir 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/270/567/23_60.png Turkey https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/tr.png 51 56 Ümraniyespor https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/113796/30.png ... Medium/ Medium Lean (185+) No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jun 6, 2021 2023 190cm 82kg 142000.0 12.0
17658 256624 21 S. Czajor 18 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/624/21_60.png Poland https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pl.png 50 65 Fleetwood Town https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112260/30.png ... Medium/ Medium Normal (185+) No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2020 2021 187cm 79kg 214000.0 40.0
17659 256376 21 F. Jakobsson 20 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/376/21_60.png Sweden https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/se.png 50 61 IFK Norrköping https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/702/30.png ... Medium/ Medium Normal (185+) No <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 8, 2020 2021 186cm 78kg 131000.0 30.0

16364 rows × 27 columns

분석의 편의를 위하여 (1) colnames를 변경하고 (2) 결측치를 제거하고 (3) 몇 가지 전 처리를 추가로 진행한 뒤 df2를 만들어서 분석하는게 좋음


- Overall vs Potential

ggplot(data=df) + geom_point(aes(x='Overall',y='Potential'))

<ggplot: (8772275859669)>
  • 뭔가 Potential > Overall 인 관계가 성립하는 듯 하다. \(\to\) 우리가 생각하는 포텐셜의 의미는 사실 Potential2 = Potential - Overall 에 더 가깝다. \(\to\) Potential2 = Potential - Overall 인 변수를 새로 만들고 시각화 해보자.

- Potential2 = Potential - Overall 를 계산하여 새로운 열을 추가하자.

df.eval('Potential2 = Potential - Overall')
ID Name Age Photo Nationality Flag Overall Potential Club Club Logo ... Position Joined Loaned From Contract Valid Until Height Weight Release Clause Kit Number Best Overall Rating Potential2
0 209658 L. Goretzka 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/209/658/23_60.png Germany https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/de.png 87 88 FC Bayern München https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/21/30.png ... <span class="pos pos28">SUB Jul 1, 2018 NaN 2026 189cm 82kg €157M 8.0 NaN 1
1 212198 Bruno Fernandes 27 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/212/198/23_60.png Portugal https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pt.png 86 87 Manchester United https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/11/30.png ... <span class="pos pos15">LCM Jan 30, 2020 NaN 2026 179cm 69kg €155M 8.0 NaN 1
2 224334 M. Acuña 30 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/334/23_60.png Argentina https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/ar.png 85 85 Sevilla FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/481/30.png ... <span class="pos pos7">LB Sep 14, 2020 NaN 2024 172cm 69kg €97.7M 19.0 NaN 0
3 192985 K. De Bruyne 31 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/192/985/23_60.png Belgium https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/be.png 91 91 Manchester City https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/10/30.png ... <span class="pos pos13">RCM Aug 30, 2015 NaN 2025 181cm 70kg €198.9M 17.0 NaN 0
4 224232 N. Barella 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/232/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 86 89 Inter https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/44/30.png ... <span class="pos pos13">RCM Sep 1, 2020 NaN 2026 172cm 68kg €154.4M 23.0 NaN 3
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17655 269526 Deng Xiongtao 19 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/526/23_60.png China PR https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png 48 61 Meizhou Hakka https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/114628/30.png ... <span class="pos pos29">RES Apr 11, 2022 NaN 2027 190cm 78kg €218K 35.0 NaN 13
17656 267946 22 Lim Jun Sub 17 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/946/22_60.png Korea Republic https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png 48 64 Jeju United FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/1478/30.png ... <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2022 NaN 2026 195cm 84kg €188K 21.0 NaN 16
17657 270567 A. Demir 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/270/567/23_60.png Turkey https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/tr.png 51 56 Ümraniyespor https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/113796/30.png ... <span class="pos pos29">RES Jun 6, 2021 NaN 2023 190cm 82kg €142K 12.0 NaN 5
17658 256624 21 S. Czajor 18 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/624/21_60.png Poland https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pl.png 50 65 Fleetwood Town https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112260/30.png ... <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 1, 2020 NaN 2021 187cm 79kg €214K 40.0 NaN 15
17659 256376 21 F. Jakobsson 20 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/376/21_60.png Sweden https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/se.png 50 61 IFK Norrköping https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/702/30.png ... <span class="pos pos29">RES Jan 8, 2020 NaN 2021 186cm 78kg €131K 30.0 NaN 11

17660 rows × 30 columns

- 수정된 데이터프레임으로 다시 시각화를 하자.

ggplot(data=df.eval('Potential2 = Potential - Overall'))\
+ geom_point(aes(x='Overall',y='Potential2'),alpha=0.01)

<ggplot: (8772307230189)>

- 일부점들이 겹치므로 position = ’jitter’를 사용하여 점들을 흩뿌리자.

ggplot(data=df.eval('Potential2 = Potential - Overall'))\
+ geom_point(aes(x='Overall',y='Potential2'),alpha=0.05,position='jitter')

<ggplot: (8772275596573)>

- 해석 - 해석1: Overall, Potential2는 음의 상관관계가 있다. - 해석2: 0근처에 데이터가 많음 \(\to\) 이미 은퇴한 선수들이 아닐까? - 해석3: Overall의 값이 작을수록 Potential2의 분산이 크다.

- 은퇴한 선수들은 제외하고 시각화하자.

ggplot(data=df.eval('Potential2 = Potential - Overall').query('Potential2 > 1'))\
+ geom_point(aes(x='Overall',y='Potential2'),alpha=0.05,position='jitter')

<ggplot: (8772275556513)>

- Overall에 따라서 구간을 나누고 그 구간에 대응하는 boxplot을 그리자.

df.eval('Potential2 = Potential - Overall').query('Potential2 > 1')\
count    13644.000000
mean        61.415347
std          7.247821
min         44.000000
25%         56.000000
50%         61.000000
75%         66.000000
max         91.000000
Name: Overall, dtype: float64
def f(x):
    if x>66: 
    elif x>61:
    elif x>56:
    return y
ggplot(data=df.eval('Potential2 = Potential - Overall').query('Potential2 > 1')\
.assign(Overall_grouped= lambda df: list(map(f,df.Overall))))\
    + geom_boxplot(aes(x='Overall_grouped',y='Potential2',color='Overall_grouped'))

<ggplot: (8772275730901)>
  • Overall_grouped = “<56” 에 대응하는 점들을 모두 뽑아서 mean(Overall)를 계산하고 그 값을 Overall_grouped = “<56” 에 대응하는 박스플랏의 x축위치로 설정

  • Overall_grouped = “56~61” 에 대응하는 점들을 모두 뽑아서 mean(Overall)를 계산하고 그 값을 Overall_grouped = “56~61” 에 대응하는 박스플랏의 x축위치로 설정

  • Overall_grouped = “61~66” 에 대응하는 점들을 모두 뽑아서 mean(Overall)를 계산하고 그 값을 Overall_grouped = “61~66” 에 대응하는 박스플랏의 x축위치로 설정

  • Overall_grouped = “66<” 에 대응하는 점들을 모두 뽑아서 mean(Overall)를 계산하고 그 값을 Overall_grouped = “66<” 에 대응하는 박스플랏의 x축위치로 설정

df.eval('Potential2 = Potential - Overall').query('Potential2 > 1')\
.assign(Overall_grouped= lambda df: list(map(f,df.Overall)))\
.query("Overall_grouped == '66<'").Overall.mean()


def g(x):
    if x=='66<': 
        y= 71.8127687727423
    elif x=='61~66':
        y= 63.773918342474104
    elif x=='56~61':
        y= 59.155840684309005
        y= 52.87743190661479
    return y
df.eval('Potential2 = Potential - Overall').query('Potential2 > 1')\
.assign(Overall_grouped= lambda df: list(map(f,df.Overall)))\
.assign(Overall_x= lambda df: list(map(g,df.Overall_grouped)))
ID Name Age Photo Nationality Flag Overall Potential Club Club Logo ... Loaned From Contract Valid Until Height Weight Release Clause Kit Number Best Overall Rating Potential2 Overall_grouped Overall_x
4 224232 N. Barella 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/232/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 86 89 Inter https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/44/30.png ... NaN 2026 172cm 68kg €154.4M 23.0 NaN 3 66< 71.812769
10 228251 L. Pellegrini 26 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/228/251/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 84 87 Roma https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/52/30.png ... NaN 2026 186cm 77kg €97.6M 7.0 NaN 3 66< 71.812769
13 225193 Merino 26 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/225/193/23_60.png Spain https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/es.png 83 86 Real Sociedad https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/457/30.png ... NaN 2025 189cm 83kg €102.2M 8.0 NaN 3 66< 71.812769
17 228702 F. de Jong 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/228/702/23_60.png Netherlands https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/nl.png 87 92 FC Barcelona https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/241/30.png ... NaN 2026 180cm 74kg €247.6M 21.0 NaN 5 66< 71.812769
21 231281 T. Alexander-Arnold 23 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/231/281/23_60.png England https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/gb-eng.png 87 90 Liverpool https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/9/30.png ... NaN 2025 180cm 69kg €193.5M 66.0 NaN 3 66< 71.812769
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17655 269526 Deng Xiongtao 19 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/526/23_60.png China PR https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png 48 61 Meizhou Hakka https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/114628/30.png ... NaN 2027 190cm 78kg €218K 35.0 NaN 13 <56 52.877432
17656 267946 22 Lim Jun Sub 17 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/946/22_60.png Korea Republic https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png 48 64 Jeju United FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/1478/30.png ... NaN 2026 195cm 84kg €188K 21.0 NaN 16 <56 52.877432
17657 270567 A. Demir 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/270/567/23_60.png Turkey https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/tr.png 51 56 Ümraniyespor https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/113796/30.png ... NaN 2023 190cm 82kg €142K 12.0 NaN 5 <56 52.877432
17658 256624 21 S. Czajor 18 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/624/21_60.png Poland https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pl.png 50 65 Fleetwood Town https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112260/30.png ... NaN 2021 187cm 79kg €214K 40.0 NaN 15 <56 52.877432
17659 256376 21 F. Jakobsson 20 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/376/21_60.png Sweden https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/se.png 50 61 IFK Norrköping https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/702/30.png ... NaN 2021 186cm 78kg €131K 30.0 NaN 11 <56 52.877432

13644 rows × 32 columns

df2= df.eval('Potential2 = Potential - Overall').query('Potential2 > 1')\
.assign(Overall_grouped= lambda df: list(map(f,df.Overall)))\
.assign(Overall_x= lambda df: list(map(g,df.Overall_grouped)))
ID Name Age Photo Nationality Flag Overall Potential Club Club Logo ... Loaned From Contract Valid Until Height Weight Release Clause Kit Number Best Overall Rating Potential2 Overall_grouped Overall_x
4 224232 N. Barella 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/224/232/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 86 89 Inter https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/44/30.png ... NaN 2026 172cm 68kg €154.4M 23.0 NaN 3 66< 71.812769
10 228251 L. Pellegrini 26 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/228/251/23_60.png Italy https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/it.png 84 87 Roma https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/52/30.png ... NaN 2026 186cm 77kg €97.6M 7.0 NaN 3 66< 71.812769
13 225193 Merino 26 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/225/193/23_60.png Spain https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/es.png 83 86 Real Sociedad https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/457/30.png ... NaN 2025 189cm 83kg €102.2M 8.0 NaN 3 66< 71.812769
17 228702 F. de Jong 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/228/702/23_60.png Netherlands https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/nl.png 87 92 FC Barcelona https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/241/30.png ... NaN 2026 180cm 74kg €247.6M 21.0 NaN 5 66< 71.812769
21 231281 T. Alexander-Arnold 23 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/231/281/23_60.png England https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/gb-eng.png 87 90 Liverpool https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/9/30.png ... NaN 2025 180cm 69kg €193.5M 66.0 NaN 3 66< 71.812769
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17655 269526 Deng Xiongtao 19 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/269/526/23_60.png China PR https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/cn.png 48 61 Meizhou Hakka https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/114628/30.png ... NaN 2027 190cm 78kg €218K 35.0 NaN 13 <56 52.877432
17656 267946 22 Lim Jun Sub 17 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/267/946/22_60.png Korea Republic https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/kr.png 48 64 Jeju United FC https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/1478/30.png ... NaN 2026 195cm 84kg €188K 21.0 NaN 16 <56 52.877432
17657 270567 A. Demir 25 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/270/567/23_60.png Turkey https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/tr.png 51 56 Ümraniyespor https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/113796/30.png ... NaN 2023 190cm 82kg €142K 12.0 NaN 5 <56 52.877432
17658 256624 21 S. Czajor 18 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/624/21_60.png Poland https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/pl.png 50 65 Fleetwood Town https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/112260/30.png ... NaN 2021 187cm 79kg €214K 40.0 NaN 15 <56 52.877432
17659 256376 21 F. Jakobsson 20 https://cdn.sofifa.net/players/256/376/21_60.png Sweden https://cdn.sofifa.net/flags/se.png 50 61 IFK Norrköping https://cdn.sofifa.net/teams/702/30.png ... NaN 2021 186cm 78kg €131K 30.0 NaN 11 <56 52.877432

13644 rows × 32 columns


<ggplot: (8772275710537)>


_df = df.eval('Potential2 = Potential - Overall').query('Potential2 > 1')\
.assign(Overall_grouped= lambda df: list(map(f,df.Overall)))

<ggplot: (8772275671993)>

판다스: Groupby

flights data

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 58492 entries, 0 to 58491
Data columns (total 14 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------     --------------  -----  
 0   MONTH      58492 non-null  int64  
 1   DAY        58492 non-null  int64  
 2   WEEKDAY    58492 non-null  int64  
 3   AIRLINE    58492 non-null  object 
 4   ORG_AIR    58492 non-null  object 
 5   DEST_AIR   58492 non-null  object 
 6   SCHED_DEP  58492 non-null  int64  
 7   DEP_DELAY  57659 non-null  float64
 8   AIR_TIME   57474 non-null  float64
 9   DIST       58492 non-null  int64  
 10  SCHED_ARR  58492 non-null  int64  
 11  ARR_DELAY  57474 non-null  float64
 12  DIVERTED   58492 non-null  int64  
 13  CANCELLED  58492 non-null  int64  
dtypes: float64(3), int64(8), object(3)
memory usage: 6.2+ MB


- groupby - 데이터프레임을 여러개의 서브데이터프레임으로 나누는 기슨 - 단독으로 쓸 이유는 별로 없다. \(\to\) 그룹을 나누고 each 그룹마다 어떠한 “변수”에 “연산”을 하기 위함.

<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x7fa7462529d0>
  • 지금 이것이 항공사별로 데이터프레임이 나누어진 상태임

- 진짜 sub dataframe 으로 나누어져 있는지 확인

grouped = df.groupby(by="AIRLINE")
dict_keys(['AA', 'AS', 'B6', 'DL', 'EV', 'F9', 'HA', 'MQ', 'NK', 'OO', 'UA', 'US', 'VX', 'WN'])
38 1 1 4 AS PHX SEA 1505 -2.0 155.0 1107 1702 -3.0 0 0
198 1 2 5 AS LAX SEA 2110 5.0 145.0 954 2352 8.0 0 0
241 1 2 5 AS LAS PDX 650 -5.0 117.0 763 906 -3.0 0 0
277 1 2 5 AS ORD ANC 935 -1.0 402.0 2846 1339 -6.0 0 0
397 1 3 6 AS LAS SEA 1300 48.0 137.0 867 1535 47.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58305 12 30 3 AS LAX SEA 1325 -2.0 134.0 954 1608 -7.0 0 0
58355 12 31 4 AS PHX SEA 1200 -5.0 145.0 1107 1407 -24.0 0 0
58404 12 31 4 AS SFO SLC 2110 -2.0 80.0 599 2358 -4.0 0 0
58407 12 31 4 AS SFO PDX 645 -2.0 81.0 550 832 -3.0 0 0
58428 12 31 4 AS LAX SEA 1420 -8.0 127.0 954 1709 -25.0 0 0

768 rows × 14 columns

for key in grouped.groups.keys():
3 1 1 4 AA DFW DCA 1555 7.0 126.0 1192 1935 -7.0 0 0
6 1 1 4 AA DFW MSY 1250 84.0 64.0 447 1410 83.0 0 0
8 1 1 4 AA ORD STL 1845 -5.0 44.0 258 1950 -5.0 0 0
15 1 1 4 AA DEN DFW 1445 -6.0 93.0 641 1745 4.0 0 0
26 1 1 4 AA LAX AUS 1430 33.0 157.0 1242 1925 41.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58470 12 31 4 AA DFW FAT 1020 -3.0 196.0 1313 1156 -2.0 0 0
58475 12 31 4 AA IAH CLT 710 1.0 113.0 912 1037 -12.0 0 0
58476 12 31 4 AA DFW TPA 1020 -3.0 121.0 929 1340 -6.0 0 0
58479 12 31 4 AA DFW ELP 1200 3.0 94.0 551 1250 13.0 0 0
58487 12 31 4 AA SFO DFW 515 5.0 166.0 1464 1045 -19.0 0 0

8900 rows × 14 columns

38 1 1 4 AS PHX SEA 1505 -2.0 155.0 1107 1702 -3.0 0 0
198 1 2 5 AS LAX SEA 2110 5.0 145.0 954 2352 8.0 0 0
241 1 2 5 AS LAS PDX 650 -5.0 117.0 763 906 -3.0 0 0
277 1 2 5 AS ORD ANC 935 -1.0 402.0 2846 1339 -6.0 0 0
397 1 3 6 AS LAS SEA 1300 48.0 137.0 867 1535 47.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58305 12 30 3 AS LAX SEA 1325 -2.0 134.0 954 1608 -7.0 0 0
58355 12 31 4 AS PHX SEA 1200 -5.0 145.0 1107 1407 -24.0 0 0
58404 12 31 4 AS SFO SLC 2110 -2.0 80.0 599 2358 -4.0 0 0
58407 12 31 4 AS SFO PDX 645 -2.0 81.0 550 832 -3.0 0 0
58428 12 31 4 AS LAX SEA 1420 -8.0 127.0 954 1709 -25.0 0 0

768 rows × 14 columns

123 1 1 4 B6 LAS BOS 1230 0.0 246.0 2381 2026 -27.0 0 0
127 1 1 4 B6 LAS BOS 2359 68.0 247.0 2381 749 46.0 0 0
239 1 2 5 B6 ORD BOS 540 -8.0 96.0 867 856 -22.0 0 0
333 1 3 6 B6 LAX FLL 2237 32.0 270.0 2342 619 42.0 0 0
548 1 4 7 B6 SFO FLL 2307 -4.0 298.0 2583 724 -1.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58262 12 30 3 B6 SFO LGB 1921 -6.0 57.0 354 2038 -14.0 0 0
58301 12 30 3 B6 LAX JFK 630 4.0 285.0 2475 1445 -6.0 0 0
58425 12 31 4 B6 ORD SJU 700 239.0 250.0 2072 1335 239.0 0 0
58477 12 31 4 B6 DFW BOS 1145 12.0 161.0 1562 1608 -14.0 0 0
58483 12 31 4 B6 PHX BOS 2236 -12.0 231.0 2300 515 -45.0 0 0

543 rows × 14 columns

53 1 1 4 DL LAS MSP 713 -5.0 156.0 1299 1220 -18.0 0 0
57 1 1 4 DL MSP RSW 700 -1.0 169.0 1416 1130 -20.0 0 0
77 1 1 4 DL LAX ATL 1130 24.0 217.0 1947 1840 16.0 0 0
79 1 1 4 DL LAX CMH 2146 -3.0 223.0 1995 459 -13.0 0 0
85 1 1 4 DL ATL OKC 2059 -4.0 116.0 761 2227 -12.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58440 12 31 4 DL ATL CVG 1611 -4.0 61.0 373 1736 -6.0 0 0
58448 12 31 4 DL ATL SRQ 1610 0.0 61.0 444 1740 -13.0 0 0
58464 12 31 4 DL LAX SFO 700 108.0 54.0 337 825 105.0 0 0
58467 12 31 4 DL ATL IND 1235 -3.0 63.0 432 1407 -13.0 0 0
58485 12 31 4 DL ATL CMH 2206 2.0 64.0 447 2338 -8.0 0 0

10601 rows × 14 columns

11 1 1 4 EV ORD JAN 1155 6.0 113.0 677 1403 5.0 0 0
13 1 1 4 EV ORD CMH 1010 -2.0 46.0 296 1228 -9.0 0 0
29 1 1 4 EV ORD IND 1025 -6.0 29.0 177 1228 -19.0 0 0
40 1 1 4 EV IAH CLE 1038 -3.0 126.0 1091 1425 -18.0 0 0
69 1 1 4 EV ATL RAP 1930 -5.0 181.0 1230 2104 -15.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58445 12 31 4 EV DFW TXK 850 -5.0 30.0 181 948 -17.0 0 0
58452 12 31 4 EV DFW SHV 1650 -4.0 32.0 190 1746 -12.0 0 0
58459 12 31 4 EV MSP ORD 1435 18.0 61.0 334 1609 3.0 0 0
58463 12 31 4 EV ORD MSN 1220 18.0 32.0 108 1319 27.0 0 0
58486 12 31 4 EV DFW LFT 850 21.0 52.0 351 1012 14.0 0 0

5858 rows × 14 columns

7 1 1 4 F9 SFO PHX 1020 -7.0 91.0 651 1315 -6.0 0 0
93 1 1 4 F9 ATL DEN 859 16.0 181.0 1199 1026 10.0 0 0
209 1 2 5 F9 MSP DEN 1025 -6.0 97.0 680 1134 -13.0 0 0
232 1 2 5 F9 DEN PHX 2040 -7.0 83.0 602 2228 -18.0 0 0
247 1 2 5 F9 ORD ATL 730 10.0 86.0 606 1020 23.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58288 12 30 3 F9 DEN ORD 625 -4.0 136.0 888 1000 14.0 0 0
58331 12 30 3 F9 ORD PHX 825 18.0 207.0 1440 1127 14.0 0 0
58447 12 31 4 F9 DEN LAS 1245 13.0 94.0 628 1340 13.0 0 0
58449 12 31 4 F9 DEN MCO 645 11.0 169.0 1546 1224 -11.0 0 0
58488 12 31 4 F9 LAS SFO 1910 13.0 71.0 414 2050 4.0 0 0

1317 rows × 14 columns

582 1 4 7 HA LAX OGG 1115 -11.0 310.0 2486 1500 -27.0 0 0
712 1 5 1 HA LAS HNL 900 -5.0 357.0 2762 1315 5.0 0 0
878 1 6 2 HA PHX HNL 800 1.0 374.0 2917 1140 3.0 0 0
1053 1 7 3 HA LAX HNL 1705 0.0 332.0 2556 2055 -2.0 0 0
1269 1 8 4 HA LAX HNL 1000 -1.0 335.0 2556 1350 0.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
55883 12 16 3 HA LAX HNL 835 1.0 314.0 2556 1235 -18.0 0 0
56174 12 18 5 HA LAX HNL 835 -5.0 342.0 2556 1235 -4.0 0 0
56350 12 19 6 HA PHX HNL 800 -5.0 363.0 2917 1155 -34.0 0 0
56816 12 21 1 HA LAX LIH 740 20.0 303.0 2615 1145 -11.0 0 0
58391 12 31 4 HA LAX HNL 1000 0.0 324.0 2556 1350 -9.0 0 0

112 rows × 14 columns

2 1 1 4 MQ DFW VPS 1305 36.0 85.0 641 1453 35.0 0 0
10 1 1 4 MQ DFW DRO 1335 28.0 104.0 674 1438 28.0 0 0
18 1 1 4 MQ ORD DAY 2220 19.0 37.0 240 23 20.0 0 0
24 1 1 4 MQ DFW BTR 730 NaN NaN 383 853 NaN 0 1
50 1 1 4 MQ ORD CID 1135 -7.0 37.0 196 1238 -15.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58415 12 31 4 MQ ORD FWA 845 -2.0 37.0 157 1045 -4.0 0 0
58426 12 31 4 MQ DFW FAR 1154 4.0 124.0 968 1437 -13.0 0 0
58468 12 31 4 MQ DFW OKC 1720 -3.0 31.0 175 1819 -10.0 0 0
58474 12 31 4 MQ ORD FNT 829 4.0 40.0 223 1034 -4.0 0 0
58484 12 31 4 MQ ORD DSM 1333 1.0 57.0 299 1455 -7.0 0 0

3471 rows × 14 columns

17 1 1 4 NK DEN DTW 1952 37.0 124.0 1123 31 54.0 0 0
74 1 1 4 NK PHX DFW 159 -1.0 103.0 868 502 1.0 0 0
95 1 1 4 NK LAS OAK 1115 22.0 62.0 407 1246 10.0 0 0
109 1 1 4 NK MSP ORD 616 2.0 49.0 334 745 -19.0 0 0
166 1 2 5 NK LAS PDX 1535 -8.0 123.0 763 1754 -4.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58160 12 29 2 NK MSP MCO 740 0.0 171.0 1310 1158 33.0 0 0
58197 12 30 3 NK IAH ORD 755 -8.0 136.0 925 1030 -2.0 0 0
58437 12 31 4 NK ORD DFW 1952 15.0 135.0 802 2225 23.0 0 0
58461 12 31 4 NK ORD LGA 1801 -5.0 84.0 733 2109 -26.0 0 0
58469 12 31 4 NK LAS MSY 1950 124.0 163.0 1500 112 101.0 0 0

1516 rows × 14 columns

12 1 1 4 OO ORD MSP 1510 2.0 65.0 334 1646 4.0 0 0
16 1 1 4 OO DEN SGU 1105 21.0 66.0 517 1249 20.0 0 0
22 1 1 4 OO LAS LAX 1544 -4.0 39.0 236 1655 -12.0 0 0
25 1 1 4 OO ORD SPI 2110 -4.0 31.0 174 2205 5.0 0 0
27 1 1 4 OO IAH JAC 1104 -1.0 161.0 1265 1316 -1.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58451 12 31 4 OO ATL FWA 1905 -3.0 72.0 508 2051 -14.0 0 0
58480 12 31 4 OO MSP BIS 1310 -2.0 65.0 386 1449 -9.0 0 0
58482 12 31 4 OO DEN CPR 1850 -2.0 38.0 230 1956 1.0 0 0
58489 12 31 4 OO SFO SBA 1846 -6.0 46.0 262 1956 -5.0 0 0
58491 12 31 4 OO SFO BOI 859 5.0 73.0 522 1146 -1.0 0 0

6588 rows × 14 columns

1 1 1 4 UA DEN IAD 823 7.0 154.0 1452 1333 -13.0 0 0
5 1 1 4 UA IAH SAN 1450 1.0 178.0 1303 1620 -14.0 0 0
9 1 1 4 UA IAH SJC 925 3.0 215.0 1608 1136 -14.0 0 0
14 1 1 4 UA IAH IND 1426 -1.0 102.0 844 1742 -20.0 0 0
21 1 1 4 UA ORD CLE 2102 48.0 47.0 315 2320 41.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58422 12 31 4 UA DEN SAN 1535 0.0 124.0 853 1704 -13.0 0 0
58432 12 31 4 UA ORD SAN 1915 7.0 238.0 1723 2143 -3.0 0 0
58457 12 31 4 UA ORD LAX 659 -1.0 241.0 1744 946 0.0 0 0
58460 12 31 4 UA SFO PHL 2235 -6.0 265.0 2521 700 -42.0 0 0
58481 12 31 4 UA IAH LAX 1433 1.0 197.0 1379 1625 -13.0 0 0

7792 rows × 14 columns

31 1 1 4 US PHX DEN 1810 29.0 94.0 602 1954 49.0 0 0
35 1 1 4 US ORD PHL 1600 -2.0 80.0 678 1857 -9.0 0 0
49 1 1 4 US IAH PHX 1445 -1.0 147.0 1009 1638 -7.0 0 0
96 1 1 4 US ATL PHL 1445 -4.0 90.0 666 1644 -11.0 0 0
104 1 1 4 US MSP PHX 730 -3.0 174.0 1276 1010 -20.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
31514 6 30 2 US DEN PHL 705 -4.0 188.0 1558 1240 1.0 0 0
31523 6 30 2 US PHX DEN 1451 6.0 85.0 602 1738 7.0 0 0
31535 6 30 2 US PHX AUS 840 -3.0 116.0 872 1304 -11.0 0 0
31561 6 30 2 US ORD PHX 710 -5.0 170.0 1440 901 -50.0 0 0
31582 6 30 2 US PHX OGG 800 -4.0 356.0 2845 1127 -13.0 0 0

1615 rows × 14 columns

56 1 1 4 VX LAS SFO 900 23.0 65.0 414 1035 11.0 0 0
227 1 2 5 VX SFO LAS 1220 -5.0 68.0 414 1350 -5.0 0 0
243 1 2 5 VX SFO SEA 700 -4.0 104.0 679 905 -1.0 0 0
417 1 3 6 VX SFO LAS 900 -2.0 62.0 414 1030 -11.0 0 0
432 1 3 6 VX SFO SEA 2035 -2.0 106.0 679 2240 -2.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58332 12 30 3 VX SFO LAS 1950 -3.0 58.0 414 2120 -4.0 0 0
58383 12 31 4 VX SFO PSP 1630 -7.0 65.0 421 1755 -12.0 0 0
58400 12 31 4 VX SFO LAX 1125 -4.0 54.0 337 1245 -10.0 0 0
58471 12 31 4 VX SFO LAX 700 6.0 51.0 337 820 3.0 0 0
58478 12 31 4 VX SFO LAX 1530 29.0 52.0 337 1650 22.0 0 0

993 rows × 14 columns

0 1 1 4 WN LAX SLC 1625 58.0 94.0 590 1905 65.0 0 0
4 1 1 4 WN LAX MCI 1720 48.0 166.0 1363 2225 39.0 0 0
19 1 1 4 WN PHX LAX 1640 51.0 58.0 370 1700 59.0 0 0
20 1 1 4 WN ATL BWI 1115 1.0 76.0 577 1305 -15.0 0 0
23 1 1 4 WN ATL HOU 1555 30.0 113.0 696 1720 18.0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58455 12 31 4 WN LAX SMF 1420 -2.0 64.0 373 1540 -7.0 0 0
58458 12 31 4 WN LAS SFO 1825 25.0 67.0 414 1955 17.0 0 0
58472 12 31 4 WN PHX HOU 845 5.0 119.0 1020 1210 7.0 0 0
58473 12 31 4 WN DEN PDX 1205 4.0 130.0 991 1400 -13.0 0 0
58490 12 31 4 WN MSP ATL 525 39.0 124.0 907 855 34.0 0 0

8418 rows × 14 columns

범주형변수를 기준으로 groupby -> agg

# EX1: [AIRLINE] \(\to\) {ARR_DELAY:mean}

- 방법1: grouby() \(\to\) .agg({colname: function})


AA 5.542661
AS -0.833333
B6 8.692593
DL 0.339691
EV 7.034580
F9 13.630651
HA 4.972973
MQ 6.860591
NK 18.436070
OO 7.593463
UA 7.765755
US 1.681105
VX 5.348884
WN 6.397353


AA 5.542661
AS -0.833333
B6 8.692593
DL 0.339691
EV 7.034580
F9 13.630651
HA 4.972973
MQ 6.860591
NK 18.436070
OO 7.593463
UA 7.765755
US 1.681105
VX 5.348884
WN 6.397353

- 방법2: grouby() \(\to\) key로 column선택 \(\to\) .agg(f) or .f()


AA     5.542661
AS    -0.833333
B6     8.692593
DL     0.339691
EV     7.034580
F9    13.630651
HA     4.972973
MQ     6.860591
NK    18.436070
OO     7.593463
UA     7.765755
US     1.681105
VX     5.348884
WN     6.397353
Name: ARR_DELAY, dtype: float64


AA     5.542661
AS    -0.833333
B6     8.692593
DL     0.339691
EV     7.034580
F9    13.630651
HA     4.972973
MQ     6.860591
NK    18.436070
OO     7.593463
UA     7.765755
US     1.681105
VX     5.348884
WN     6.397353
Name: ARR_DELAY, dtype: float64


AA     5.542661
AS    -0.833333
B6     8.692593
DL     0.339691
EV     7.034580
F9    13.630651
HA     4.972973
MQ     6.860591
NK    18.436070
OO     7.593463
UA     7.765755
US     1.681105
VX     5.348884
WN     6.397353
Name: ARR_DELAY, dtype: float64


- 방법1


AA 1 41
2 9
3 16
4 20
5 18
... ... ...
WN 3 18
4 10
5 7
6 10
7 7

98 rows × 1 columns


AA 1 41
2 9
3 16
4 20
5 18
... ... ...
WN 3 18
4 10
5 7
6 10
7 7

98 rows × 1 columns

- 방법2


AA 1 41
2 9
3 16
4 20
5 18
... ... ...
WN 3 18
4 10
5 7
6 10
7 7

98 rows × 1 columns


AA       1          41
         2           9
         3          16
         4          20
         5          18
WN       3          18
         4          10
         5           7
         6          10
         7           7
Name: CANCELLED, Length: 98, dtype: int64


AA       1          41
         2           9
         3          16
         4          20
         5          18
WN       3          18
         4          10
         5           7
         6          10
         7           7
Name: CANCELLED, Length: 98, dtype: int64
0        0
1        0
2        0
3        0
4        0
58487    0
58488    0
58489    0
58490    0
58491    0
Name: DIVERTED, Length: 58492, dtype: int64

# EX3: [AIRLINE,WEEKDAY] \(\to\) {CANCELLED:sum,mean}, {DIVERTED: sum,mean}

- 방법1


sum mean sum mean
AA 1 41 0.032106 6 0.004699
2 9 0.007341 2 0.001631
3 16 0.011949 2 0.001494
4 20 0.015004 5 0.003751
5 18 0.014151 1 0.000786
... ... ... ... ... ...
WN 3 18 0.014118 2 0.001569
4 10 0.007911 4 0.003165
5 7 0.005828 0 0.000000
6 10 0.010132 3 0.003040
7 7 0.006066 3 0.002600

98 rows × 4 columns


sum mean sum mean
AA 1 41 0.032106 6 0.004699
2 9 0.007341 2 0.001631
3 16 0.011949 2 0.001494
4 20 0.015004 5 0.003751
5 18 0.014151 1 0.000786
... ... ... ... ... ...
WN 3 18 0.014118 2 0.001569
4 10 0.007911 4 0.003165
5 7 0.005828 0 0.000000
6 10 0.010132 3 0.003040
7 7 0.006066 3 0.002600

98 rows × 4 columns

- 방법2


sum mean sum mean
AA 1 41 0.032106 6 0.004699
2 9 0.007341 2 0.001631
3 16 0.011949 2 0.001494
4 20 0.015004 5 0.003751
5 18 0.014151 1 0.000786
... ... ... ... ... ...
WN 3 18 0.014118 2 0.001569
4 10 0.007911 4 0.003165
5 7 0.005828 0 0.000000
6 10 0.010132 3 0.003040
7 7 0.006066 3 0.002600

98 rows × 4 columns


sum mean sum mean
AA 1 41 0.032106 6 0.004699
2 9 0.007341 2 0.001631
3 16 0.011949 2 0.001494
4 20 0.015004 5 0.003751
5 18 0.014151 1 0.000786
... ... ... ... ... ...
WN 3 18 0.014118 2 0.001569
4 10 0.007911 4 0.003165
5 7 0.005828 0 0.000000
6 10 0.010132 3 0.003040
7 7 0.006066 3 0.002600

98 rows × 4 columns

(예시3) – 사용불가능

# EX4: [AIRLINE,WEEKDAY] \(\to\) {CANCELLED:sum,mean,count}, {AIR_TIME: mean,var}

- 방법1


sum mean len mean var
AA 1 41 0.032106 1277 147.610569 5393.806723
2 9 0.007341 1226 143.851852 5359.890719
3 16 0.011949 1339 144.514005 5378.854539
4 20 0.015004 1333 141.124618 4791.524627
5 18 0.014151 1272 145.430966 5884.592076
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
WN 3 18 0.014118 1275 104.219920 2901.873447
4 10 0.007911 1264 107.200800 2966.568935
5 7 0.005828 1201 107.893635 3268.717093
6 10 0.010132 987 109.247433 3152.753719
7 7 0.006066 1154 107.602273 3183.126889

98 rows × 5 columns


sum mean count mean var
AA 1 41 0.032106 1277 147.610569 5393.806723
2 9 0.007341 1226 143.851852 5359.890719
3 16 0.011949 1339 144.514005 5378.854539
4 20 0.015004 1333 141.124618 4791.524627
5 18 0.014151 1272 145.430966 5884.592076
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
WN 3 18 0.014118 1275 104.219920 2901.873447
4 10 0.007911 1264 107.200800 2966.568935
5 7 0.005828 1201 107.893635 3268.717093
6 10 0.010132 987 109.247433 3152.753719
7 7 0.006066 1154 107.602273 3183.126889

98 rows × 5 columns


      'AIR_TIME':[np.mean,lambda x: np.std(x,ddof=1)**2]})
sum mean len mean <lambda_0>
AA 1 41 0.032106 1277 147.610569 5393.806723
2 9 0.007341 1226 143.851852 5359.890719
3 16 0.011949 1339 144.514005 5378.854539
4 20 0.015004 1333 141.124618 4791.524627
5 18 0.014151 1272 145.430966 5884.592076
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
WN 3 18 0.014118 1275 104.219920 2901.873447
4 10 0.007911 1264 107.200800 2966.568935
5 7 0.005828 1201 107.893635 3268.717093
6 10 0.010132 987 109.247433 3152.753719
7 7 0.006066 1154 107.602273 3183.126889

98 rows × 5 columns

연속형변수를 기준으로 groupby -> agg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 58482 58483 58484 58485 58486 58487 58488 58489 58490 58491
MONTH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
DAY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
WEEKDAY 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ... 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
SCHED_DEP 1625 823 1305 1555 1720 1450 1250 1020 1845 925 ... 1850 2236 1333 2206 850 515 1910 1846 525 859
DEP_DELAY 58.0 7.0 36.0 7.0 48.0 1.0 84.0 -7.0 -5.0 3.0 ... -2.0 -12.0 1.0 2.0 21.0 5.0 13.0 -6.0 39.0 5.0
AIR_TIME 94.0 154.0 85.0 126.0 166.0 178.0 64.0 91.0 44.0 215.0 ... 38.0 231.0 57.0 64.0 52.0 166.0 71.0 46.0 124.0 73.0
DIST 590 1452 641 1192 1363 1303 447 651 258 1608 ... 230 2300 299 447 351 1464 414 262 907 522
SCHED_ARR 1905 1333 1453 1935 2225 1620 1410 1315 1950 1136 ... 1956 515 1455 2338 1012 1045 2050 1956 855 1146
ARR_DELAY 65.0 -13.0 35.0 -7.0 39.0 -14.0 83.0 -6.0 -5.0 -14.0 ... 1.0 -45.0 -7.0 -8.0 14.0 -19.0 4.0 -5.0 34.0 -1.0
DIVERTED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CANCELLED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

14 rows × 58492 columns

count    58492.000000
mean       872.900072
std        624.996805
min         67.000000
25%        391.000000
50%        690.000000
75%       1199.000000
max       4502.000000
Name: DIST, dtype: float64
df.assign(DIST2 = pd.cut(df.DIST,[-np.inf,391,690,1199,np.inf]))\
sum mean count
AA (-inf, 391.0] 18 0.015986 1126
(391.0, 690.0] 17 0.013589 1251
(690.0, 1199.0] 69 0.022066 3127
(1199.0, inf] 50 0.014723 3396
AS (-inf, 391.0] 0 NaN 0
(391.0, 690.0] 0 0.000000 145
(690.0, 1199.0] 0 0.000000 462
(1199.0, inf] 0 0.000000 161
B6 (-inf, 391.0] 0 0.000000 71
(391.0, 690.0] 0 0.000000 38
(690.0, 1199.0] 0 0.000000 61
(1199.0, inf] 1 0.002681 373
DL (-inf, 391.0] 7 0.003086 2268
(391.0, 690.0] 8 0.002421 3304
(690.0, 1199.0] 16 0.006405 2498
(1199.0, inf] 7 0.002766 2531
EV (-inf, 391.0] 77 0.028785 2675
(391.0, 690.0] 47 0.022793 2062
(690.0, 1199.0] 22 0.019982 1101
(1199.0, inf] 0 0.000000 20
F9 (-inf, 391.0] 0 0.000000 27
(391.0, 690.0] 6 0.013825 434
(690.0, 1199.0] 4 0.007105 563
(1199.0, inf] 0 0.000000 293
HA (-inf, 391.0] 0 NaN 0
(391.0, 690.0] 0 NaN 0
(690.0, 1199.0] 0 NaN 0
(1199.0, inf] 0 0.000000 112
MQ (-inf, 391.0] 90 0.047120 1910
(391.0, 690.0] 39 0.037356 1044
(690.0, 1199.0] 22 0.044266 497
(1199.0, inf] 1 0.050000 20
NK (-inf, 391.0] 5 0.036496 137
(391.0, 690.0] 4 0.013201 303
(690.0, 1199.0] 6 0.011029 544
(1199.0, inf] 10 0.018797 532
OO (-inf, 391.0] 75 0.024826 3021
(391.0, 690.0] 39 0.019364 2014
(690.0, 1199.0] 19 0.016351 1162
(1199.0, inf] 9 0.023018 391
UA (-inf, 391.0] 5 0.007143 700
(391.0, 690.0] 14 0.011824 1184
(690.0, 1199.0] 26 0.010924 2380
(1199.0, inf] 48 0.013605 3528
US (-inf, 391.0] 0 0.000000 254
(391.0, 690.0] 7 0.021944 319
(690.0, 1199.0] 2 0.006329 316
(1199.0, inf] 12 0.016529 726
VX (-inf, 391.0] 2 0.008299 241
(391.0, 690.0] 1 0.003861 259
(690.0, 1199.0] 0 0.000000 22
(1199.0, inf] 3 0.006369 471
WN (-inf, 391.0] 55 0.023810 2310
(391.0, 690.0] 14 0.006487 2158
(690.0, 1199.0] 17 0.007896 2153
(1199.0, inf] 7 0.003895 1797
0         400~700
1           1200~
2         400~700
3        700~1200
4           1200~
58487       1200~
58488     400~700
58489        ~400
58490    700~1200
58491     400~700
Name: DIST, Length: 58492, dtype: category
Categories (4, object): ['~400' < '400~700' < '700~1200' < '1200~']
df.assign(DIST2 = pd.cut(df.DIST,[-np.inf,400,700,1200,np.inf],labels=['~400','400~700','700~1200','1200~']))\
sum mean count
AA ~400 18 0.015986 1126
400~700 17 0.013589 1251
700~1200 69 0.022066 3127
1200~ 50 0.014723 3396
AS ~400 0 NaN 0
400~700 0 0.000000 145
700~1200 0 0.000000 462
1200~ 0 0.000000 161
B6 ~400 0 0.000000 71
400~700 0 0.000000 38
700~1200 0 0.000000 61
1200~ 1 0.002681 373
DL ~400 7 0.003040 2303
400~700 8 0.002352 3402
700~1200 16 0.006765 2365
1200~ 7 0.002766 2531
EV ~400 77 0.027838 2766
400~700 48 0.023312 2059
700~1200 21 0.020731 1013
1200~ 0 0.000000 20
F9 ~400 0 0.000000 27
400~700 7 0.015837 442
700~1200 3 0.005405 555
1200~ 0 0.000000 293
HA ~400 0 NaN 0
400~700 0 NaN 0
700~1200 0 NaN 0
1200~ 0 0.000000 112
MQ ~400 92 0.047472 1938
400~700 39 0.035682 1093
700~1200 20 0.047619 420
1200~ 1 0.050000 20
NK ~400 5 0.036496 137
400~700 4 0.013201 303
700~1200 6 0.011029 544
1200~ 10 0.018797 532
OO ~400 76 0.024837 3060
400~700 38 0.018673 2035
700~1200 19 0.017241 1102
1200~ 9 0.023018 391
UA ~400 5 0.006993 715
400~700 14 0.011966 1170
700~1200 26 0.010929 2379
1200~ 48 0.013605 3528
US ~400 0 0.000000 254
400~700 7 0.021944 319
700~1200 2 0.006329 316
1200~ 12 0.016529 726
VX ~400 2 0.008299 241
400~700 1 0.003861 259
700~1200 0 0.000000 22
1200~ 3 0.006369 471
WN ~400 55 0.023022 2389
400~700 17 0.007795 2181
700~1200 14 0.006826 2051
1200~ 7 0.003895 1797