07wk-1: Pandas – lambda df:의 활용, MultiIndex의 이해, tidydata의 이해, melt/stack




October 16, 2023

1. 강의영상

2. Imports

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from plotnine import *

3. Pandas – lambda df:의 활용

A. lambda df: with indexer

- ref: https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/user_guide/indexing.html#indexing-callable

예시1 : 표현1,2,3은 같은 문법이다.

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[-1,np.nan,1,1],'B':[2,3,np.nan,4],'C':[np.nan,4,5,6]})
0 -1.0 2.0 NaN
1 NaN 3.0 4.0
2 1.0 NaN 5.0
3 1.0 4.0 6.0


1 NaN 3.0 4.0


df[(lambda _df: _df.A.isna())(df)]
1 NaN 3.0 4.0


df[lambda _df: _df.A.isna()] 
1 NaN 3.0 4.0


예시2: 예시1의 (표현3)은 .loc, .iloc 에서도 가능함

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[-1,np.nan,1,1],'B':[2,3,np.nan,4],'C':[np.nan,4,5,6]})
0 -1.0 2.0 NaN
1 NaN 3.0 4.0
2 1.0 NaN 5.0
3 1.0 4.0 6.0
df.loc[lambda _df: _df.A.isna(), :]
1 NaN 3.0 4.0
df.iloc[lambda _df: list(_df.A.isna()), :]
1 NaN 3.0 4.0
  • iloc은 True, False 형태로 이루어진 pd.Series가 들어올 경우 인덱싱이 불가능하므로 리스트로 바꿔줘야했었음..


예시3: 왜 이런 문법이 있을까? 연속적으로 dataFrame을 변화시킬 경우 유리한 테크닉

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[-1,np.nan,1,1],'B':[2,3,np.nan,4],'C':[np.nan,4,5,6]})
0 -1.0 2.0 NaN
1 NaN 3.0 4.0
2 1.0 NaN 5.0
3 1.0 4.0 6.0

step1: D=A+B+C를 계산

0 -1.0 2.0 NaN NaN
1 NaN 3.0 4.0 NaN
2 1.0 NaN 5.0 NaN
3 1.0 4.0 6.0 11.0

step2: 여기에서 결측치의 값이 50%가 넘는 열만 고르고 싶다면?

df.assign(D=df.A+df.B+df.C).loc[:,lambda _df: _df.isna().mean()>0.5]
0 NaN
1 NaN
2 NaN
3 11.0


B. lambda df: with assign


df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[-1,np.nan,1,1],'B':[2,3,np.nan,4],'C':[np.nan,4,5,6]})
0 -1.0 2.0 NaN
1 NaN 3.0 4.0
2 1.0 NaN 5.0
3 1.0 4.0 6.0

step1: D=A+B+C

0 -1.0 2.0 NaN NaN
1 NaN 3.0 4.0 NaN
2 1.0 NaN 5.0 NaN
3 1.0 4.0 6.0 11.0

step2: 여기에서 결측치의 값을 row-wise하게 count하여 새로운열 E에 할당하고 싶다면?

df.eval('D=A+B+C').assign(E = lambda _df: _df.isna().sum(axis=1))
0 -1.0 2.0 NaN NaN 2
1 NaN 3.0 4.0 NaN 2
2 1.0 NaN 5.0 NaN 2
3 1.0 4.0 6.0 11.0 0


예시2 – 원본데이터를 손상시키지 않으며 데이터를 변형하고 싶을때..

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[12,234,3456,12345,654222]})
0 12
1 234
2 3456
3 12345
4 654222

(풀이1) – 복사본생성 (실패)

step1: 복사본생성 (?)

df2 = df 
0 12
1 234
2 3456
3 12345
4 654222

step2: B=log(A), C=(B-B.mean())/B.std()

df2['B'] = np.log(df2['A'])
0 12 2.484907
1 234 5.455321
2 3456 8.147867
3 12345 9.421006
4 654222 13.391202
0 12 2.484907 -1.286574
1 234 5.455321 -0.564847
2 3456 8.147867 0.089367
3 12345 9.421006 0.398704
4 654222 13.391202 1.363350
df # 이게 왜 여기서 나오지?
0 12 2.484907 -1.286574
1 234 5.455321 -0.564847
2 3456 8.147867 0.089367
3 12345 9.421006 0.398704
4 654222 13.391202 1.363350

(풀이2) – 복사본생성 (성공)

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[12,234,3456,12345,654222]})
0 12
1 234
2 3456
3 12345
4 654222

step1: 복사본생성

df2 = df.copy()
0 12
1 234
2 3456
3 12345
4 654222

step2: B=log(A), C=(B-B.mean())/B.std()

df2['B'] = np.log(df2['A'])
0 12 2.484907
1 234 5.455321
2 3456 8.147867
3 12345 9.421006
4 654222 13.391202
0 12 2.484907 -1.286574
1 234 5.455321 -0.564847
2 3456 8.147867 0.089367
3 12345 9.421006 0.398704
4 654222 13.391202 1.363350
df # 이게 왜 여기서 나오지?
0 12
1 234
2 3456
3 12345
4 654222

(풀이3) – assign + lambda df: 이용

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[12,234,3456,12345,654222]})
0 12
1 234
2 3456
3 12345
4 654222
df.assign(B=np.log(df.A)).assign(C= lambda df: (df.B-df.B.mean())/df.B.std())
0 12 2.484907 -1.286574
1 234 5.455321 -0.564847
2 3456 8.147867 0.089367
3 12345 9.421006 0.398704
4 654222 13.391202 1.363350

(풀이4) – eval 이용

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[12,234,3456,12345,654222]})
0 12
1 234
2 3456
3 12345
4 654222
df.eval('B= log(A)').eval('C= (B-B.mean())/(B.std())')
0 12 2.484907 -1.286574
1 234 5.455321 -0.564847
2 3456 8.147867 0.089367
3 12345 9.421006 0.398704
4 654222 13.391202 1.363350

Note: eval이 가장 우수해보인다. 그렇지만 eval expression에 지원하는 함수는 한계가 있다. (sin,cos은 지원되는데 tan은 안된다든가..)

_df = pd.DataFrame({'A':np.linspace(-1.5,1.5,100)})
0 -1.500000
1 -1.469697
2 -1.439394
3 -1.409091
4 -1.378788
... ...
95 1.378788
96 1.409091
97 1.439394
98 1.469697
99 1.500000

100 rows × 1 columns

f = np.tan 
_df.eval('B=@f(A)').plot(y='B') # 그래서 이게 정석임..

4. Pandas – MultiIndex의 이해

A. 원래 df, s는 딕셔너리 계열임

- 예시1: df는 dct에서 만들수 있음

dct = {'A': [1,2,3],'B': [2,3,4]}
df = pd.DataFrame(dct)
0 1 2
1 2 3
2 3 4
0    1
1    2
2    3
Name: A, dtype: int64

- 예시2: s도 dct에서 만들수 있음

dct = {'43052': 80, '43053': 90, '43054': 50}
s = pd.Series(dct)
43052    80
43053    90
43054    50
dtype: int64

- 예시3: dict의 키로 올수 있는것들?

튜플로 dct를 만든다면?

dct = {('43052',4): 80, ('43053',1): 90, ('43054',2): 50} # (학번,학년)
s = pd.Series(dct)
43052  4    80
43053  1    90
43054  2    50
dtype: int64
MultiIndex([('43052', 4),
            ('43053', 1),
            ('43054', 2)],

B. .index 혹은 .columnsname이 있는 경우

예시1: index에 이름이 있는 경우 ['id']

dct = {'43052': 80, '43053': 90, '43054': 50}
s = pd.Series(dct)
43052    80
43053    90
43054    50
dtype: int64
43052    80
43053    90
43054    50
dtype: int64
s.index, s.rename_axis(['id']).index,
(Index(['43052', '43053', '43054'], dtype='object'),
 Index(['43052', '43053', '43054'], dtype='object', name='id'))


예시2: index에 이름이 있는 경우 ['id','year']

dct = {('43052',4): 80, ('43053',1): 90, ('43054',2): 50} # (학번,학년)
s = pd.Series(dct)
id     year
43052  4       80
43053  1       90
43054  2       50
dtype: int64
MultiIndex([('43052', 4),
            ('43053', 1),
            ('43054', 2)],
MultiIndex([('43052', 4),
            ('43053', 1),
            ('43054', 2)],
           names=['id', 'year'])


dct = {('43052',4): 80, ('43053',1): 90, ('43054',2): 50} # (학번,학년)
s = pd.Series(dct)
id     year
43052  4       80
43053  1       90
43054  2       50
dtype: int64

예시3: 예시2가 데이터프레임이라면 이렇게 보인다

dct = {('43052',4): 80, ('43053',1): 90, ('43054',2): 50} # (학번,학년)
s = pd.Series(dct)
df = pd.DataFrame(s.rename_axis(['id','year']))
id year
43052 4 80
43053 1 90
43054 2 50
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1, step=1)
MultiIndex([('43052', 4),
            ('43053', 1),
            ('43054', 2)],
           names=['id', 'year'])


예시4: 심슨의 역설 – 전체

.rename({'level_0':'department','level_1':'result','level_2':'gender',0:'count'},axis=1).pivot_table(index='gender', columns='result', values='count', aggfunc=sum)
/tmp/ipykernel_2417284/2316601964.py:1: FutureWarning: The provided callable <built-in function sum> is currently using DataFrameGroupBy.sum. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "sum" instead.
result fail pass
female 1063 772
male 1291 1400
(Index(['female', 'male'], dtype='object', name='gender'),
 Index(['fail', 'pass'], dtype='object', name='result'))

1열과 2열을 더하고 싶다면? 단순히 아래와 같이 하면 된다. (여기에서 gender,result는 각각 index 의 이름, columns의 이름일 뿐이므로 신경쓸 필요 없음)

female    1835
male      2691
dtype: int64


예시5: 심슨의 역설 – 학과별

df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guebin/DV2022/master/posts/Simpson.csv",index_col=0,header=[0,1])\
.rename({'level_0':'department','level_1':'result','level_2':'gender',0:'count'},axis=1).pivot_table(index=['gender','department'], columns='result',values='count',aggfunc=sum)
/tmp/ipykernel_2417284/2434963071.py:1: FutureWarning: The provided callable <built-in function sum> is currently using DataFrameGroupBy.sum. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "sum" instead.
result fail pass
gender department
female A 19 89
B 7 18
C 391 202
D 244 131
E 299 94
F 103 238
male A 314 511
B 208 352
C 204 121
D 279 138
E 137 54
F 149 224
df.index, df.columns
(MultiIndex([('female', 'A'),
             ('female', 'B'),
             ('female', 'C'),
             ('female', 'D'),
             ('female', 'E'),
             ('female', 'F'),
             (  'male', 'A'),
             (  'male', 'B'),
             (  'male', 'C'),
             (  'male', 'D'),
             (  'male', 'E'),
             (  'male', 'F')],
            names=['gender', 'department']),
 Index(['fail', 'pass'], dtype='object', name='result'))

학과별 합격률을 알고 싶다면?

df.assign(rate = df['pass']/df.sum(axis=1))
result fail pass rate
gender department
female A 19 89 0.824074
B 7 18 0.720000
C 391 202 0.340641
D 244 131 0.349333
E 299 94 0.239186
F 103 238 0.697947
male A 314 511 0.619394
B 208 352 0.628571
C 204 121 0.372308
D 279 138 0.330935
E 137 54 0.282723
F 149 224 0.600536


5. Pandas – tidydata

A. tidydata의 개념

- 아래의 자료는 불리하다. (뭐가??)

df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guebin/DV2022/master/posts/Simpson.csv",index_col=0,header=[0,1])\
.rename({'level_0':'department','level_1':'result','level_2':'gender',0:'count'},axis=1).pivot_table(index=['gender','department'], columns='result',values='count',aggfunc=sum)
/tmp/ipykernel_2417284/2434963071.py:1: FutureWarning: The provided callable <built-in function sum> is currently using DataFrameGroupBy.sum. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "sum" instead.
result fail pass
gender department
female A 19 89
B 7 18
C 391 202
D 244 131
E 299 94
F 103 238
male A 314 511
B 208 352
C 204 121
D 279 138
E 137 54
F 149 224

- 가정1: 만약에 A학과에 해당하는 결과만 뽑고 싶다면? –> departmet가 column으로 있어야함..

- 가정2: 이 데이터를 바탕으로 합격한사람만 bar plot을 그리고 싶다면? –> department, gender, pass 가 column으로 있어야함..

tidydata = df['pass'].reset_index()
fig = ggplot(tidydata)
col = geom_col(aes(x='department',y='pass',fill='gender'),position='dodge')
fig + col

- tidydata 정의: https://r4ds.had.co.nz/tidy-data.html

  1. Each variable must have its own column.
  2. Each observation must have its own row.
  3. Each value must have its own cell.

B. tidydata가 아닌 예시

예시1 – MultiIndex 구조를 가지면 무조건 tidydata가 아니다.

df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guebin/DV2022/master/posts/Simpson.csv",index_col=0,header=[0,1])\
.rename({'level_0':'department','level_1':'result','level_2':'gender',0:'count'},axis=1).pivot_table(index=['gender','department'], columns='result',values='count',aggfunc=sum)
/tmp/ipykernel_2417284/2434963071.py:1: FutureWarning: The provided callable <built-in function sum> is currently using DataFrameGroupBy.sum. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "sum" instead.
result fail pass
gender department
female A 19 89
B 7 18
C 391 202
D 244 131
E 299 94
F 103 238
male A 314 511
B 208 352
C 204 121
D 279 138
E 137 54
F 149 224
  • 이건 tidydata가 아니고
tidydata = df.stack().reset_index().rename({0:'applicant_count'},axis=1)
gender department result applicant_count
0 female A fail 19
1 female A pass 89
2 female B fail 7
3 female B pass 18
4 female C fail 391
5 female C pass 202
6 female D fail 244
7 female D pass 131
8 female E fail 299
9 female E pass 94
10 female F fail 103
11 female F pass 238
12 male A fail 314
13 male A pass 511
14 male B fail 208
15 male B pass 352
16 male C fail 204
17 male C pass 121
18 male D fail 279
19 male D pass 138
20 male E fail 137
21 male E pass 54
22 male F fail 149
23 male F pass 224
  • 이것이 tidydata

- 구분하는 방법1: 직관에 의한 설명

  • query쓰기 불편: 남성지원자만 뽑고 싶다면?, 학과A만 뽑고싶다면? 탈락한지원자만 뽑고싶다면? 학과A에서 탈락한 지원자만 뽑고싶다면??
  • 시각화하기 불편:
  • 하여튼 다루기 불편해..

- 구분하는 방법2: 정의에 의한 설명

  • df는 원칙 1에 위배된다. (왜냐하면 gender, department,result,applicant_count에 해당하는 변수는 하나의 컬럼을 차지하지 못함)
  • df는 원칙 2에 위배된다. (왜냐하면 하나의 행에 2개의 applicant_count observation이 존재함)


예시2 – 아래의 자료는 tidydata가 아니다.

.rename({'level_0':'department','level_1':'result','level_2':'gender',0:'count'},axis=1).pivot_table(index='gender', columns='result', values='count', aggfunc=sum)\
.assign(pass_fail = lambda df: list(map(lambda x,y: (y,x),df['fail'],df['pass']))).drop(['fail','pass'],axis=1).reset_index()
/tmp/ipykernel_2278789/2865855793.py:1: FutureWarning: The provided callable <built-in function sum> is currently using DataFrameGroupBy.sum. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "sum" instead.
result gender pass_fail
0 female (772, 1063)
1 male (1400, 1291)
  • df는 원칙 3에 위배된다.


# 예시3 – wide df

Date Samsung Apple Huawei Xiaomi Oppo Mobicel Motorola LG Others Realme Google Nokia Lenovo OnePlus Sony Asus
0 2019-10 461 324 136 109 76 81 43 37 135 28 39 14 22 17 20 17
1 2019-11 461 358 167 141 86 61 29 36 141 27 29 20 23 10 19 27
2 2019-12 426 383 143 105 53 45 51 48 129 30 20 26 28 18 18 19
3 2020-01 677 494 212 187 110 79 65 49 158 23 13 19 19 22 27 22
4 2020-02 593 520 217 195 112 67 62 71 157 25 18 16 24 18 23 20
5 2020-03 637 537 246 187 92 66 59 67 145 21 16 24 18 31 22 14
6 2020-04 647 583 222 154 98 59 48 64 113 20 23 25 19 19 23 21
7 2020-05 629 518 192 176 91 87 50 66 150 43 27 15 18 19 19 13
8 2020-06 663 552 209 185 93 69 54 60 140 39 16 16 17 29 25 16
9 2020-07 599 471 214 193 89 78 65 59 130 40 27 25 21 18 18 12
10 2020-08 615 567 204 182 105 82 62 42 129 47 16 23 21 27 23 20
11 2020-09 621 481 230 220 102 88 56 49 143 54 14 15 17 15 19 15
12 2020-10 637 555 232 203 90 52 63 49 140 33 17 20 22 9 22 21
  • 이건 tidydata 가 아니고
tidydata = df.melt(id_vars='Date').assign(Date = lambda _df: _df.Date.apply(pd.to_datetime))
Date variable value
0 2019-10-01 Samsung 461
1 2019-11-01 Samsung 461
2 2019-12-01 Samsung 426
3 2020-01-01 Samsung 677
4 2020-02-01 Samsung 593
... ... ... ...
203 2020-06-01 Asus 16
204 2020-07-01 Asus 12
205 2020-08-01 Asus 20
206 2020-09-01 Asus 15
207 2020-10-01 Asus 21

208 rows × 3 columns

  • 이건 tidydata 이다.

- df를 가지고 아래와 같은 그림을 그릴 수 있겠어?

fig = ggplot(tidydata)
line = geom_line(aes(x='Date',y='value',color='variable'))
fig + line

6. Pandas – melt/stack

A. reset_index()

중첩구조를 가지는 series일 경우 .reset_index()를 사용하면 쉽게 tidydata를 얻을 수 있다.

- 예시1

dct = {'43052': 80, '43053': 90, '43054': 50}
s = pd.Series(dct)
43052    80
43053    90
43054    50
dtype: int64
index 0
0 43052 80
1 43053 90
2 43054 50

- 예시2

dct = {('43052',4): 80, ('43053',1): 90, ('43054',2): 50} # (학번,학년)
s = pd.Series(dct)
43052  4    80
43053  1    90
43054  2    50
dtype: int64
level_0 level_1 0
0 43052 4 80
1 43053 1 90
2 43054 2 50

- 예시3

A  fail  male      314
         female     19
   pass  male      511
         female     89
B  fail  male      208
         female      7
   pass  male      352
         female     18
C  fail  male      204
         female    391
   pass  male      121
         female    202
D  fail  male      279
         female    244
   pass  male      138
         female    131
E  fail  male      137
         female    299
   pass  male       54
         female     94
F  fail  male      149
         female    103
   pass  male      224
         female    238
dtype: int64
level_0 level_1 level_2 0
0 A fail male 314
1 A fail female 19
2 A pass male 511
3 A pass female 89
4 B fail male 208
5 B fail female 7
6 B pass male 352
7 B pass female 18
8 C fail male 204
9 C fail female 391
10 C pass male 121
11 C pass female 202
12 D fail male 279
13 D fail female 244
14 D pass male 138
15 D pass female 131
16 E fail male 137
17 E fail female 299
18 E pass male 54
19 E pass female 94
20 F fail male 149
21 F fail female 103
22 F pass male 224
23 F pass female 238

- 예시4 – .reset_index() 는 말그대로 index를 reset 하는 명령어, 꼭 pd.Series에만 쓰는건 아니다.

male female
A fail 314 19
pass 511 89
B fail 208 7
pass 352 18
C fail 204 391
pass 121 202
D fail 279 244
pass 138 131
E fail 137 299
pass 54 94
F fail 149 103
pass 224 238
level_0 level_1 male female
0 A fail 314 19
1 A pass 511 89
2 B fail 208 7
3 B pass 352 18
4 C fail 204 391
5 C pass 121 202
6 D fail 279 244
7 D pass 138 131
8 E fail 137 299
9 E pass 54 94
10 F fail 149 103
11 F pass 224 238

B. melt()

# 예시1: 아래의 자료를 tidydata로 만들라.

df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guebin/2021DV/master/_notebooks/phone.csv')
Date Samsung Apple Huawei Xiaomi Oppo Mobicel Motorola LG Others Realme Google Nokia Lenovo OnePlus Sony Asus
0 2019-10 461 324 136 109 76 81 43 37 135 28 39 14 22 17 20 17
1 2019-11 461 358 167 141 86 61 29 36 141 27 29 20 23 10 19 27
2 2019-12 426 383 143 105 53 45 51 48 129 30 20 26 28 18 18 19
3 2020-01 677 494 212 187 110 79 65 49 158 23 13 19 19 22 27 22
4 2020-02 593 520 217 195 112 67 62 71 157 25 18 16 24 18 23 20
5 2020-03 637 537 246 187 92 66 59 67 145 21 16 24 18 31 22 14
6 2020-04 647 583 222 154 98 59 48 64 113 20 23 25 19 19 23 21
7 2020-05 629 518 192 176 91 87 50 66 150 43 27 15 18 19 19 13
8 2020-06 663 552 209 185 93 69 54 60 140 39 16 16 17 29 25 16
9 2020-07 599 471 214 193 89 78 65 59 130 40 27 25 21 18 18 12
10 2020-08 615 567 204 182 105 82 62 42 129 47 16 23 21 27 23 20
11 2020-09 621 481 230 220 102 88 56 49 143 54 14 15 17 15 19 15
12 2020-10 637 555 232 203 90 52 63 49 140 33 17 20 22 9 22 21

(풀이1) .melt() – 실패

variable value
0 Date 2019-10
1 Date 2019-11
2 Date 2019-12
3 Date 2020-01
4 Date 2020-02
... ... ...
216 Asus 16
217 Asus 12
218 Asus 20
219 Asus 15
220 Asus 21

221 rows × 2 columns

(풀이2) .melt(id_vars=) – 성공

Date variable value
0 2019-10 Samsung 461
1 2019-11 Samsung 461
2 2019-12 Samsung 426
3 2020-01 Samsung 677
4 2020-02 Samsung 593
... ... ... ...
203 2020-06 Asus 16
204 2020-07 Asus 12
205 2020-08 Asus 20
206 2020-09 Asus 15
207 2020-10 Asus 21

208 rows × 3 columns


C. stack() + reset_index()

제 최애테크닉: DataFrame을 MultiIndex를 가지는 Series로 “일부러” 변환하고 reset_index()를 시킴

# 예시1: 아래의 자료를 tidydata로 만들라.

df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guebin/2021DV/master/_notebooks/phone.csv')
Date Samsung Apple Huawei Xiaomi Oppo Mobicel Motorola LG Others Realme Google Nokia Lenovo OnePlus Sony Asus
0 2019-10 461 324 136 109 76 81 43 37 135 28 39 14 22 17 20 17
1 2019-11 461 358 167 141 86 61 29 36 141 27 29 20 23 10 19 27
2 2019-12 426 383 143 105 53 45 51 48 129 30 20 26 28 18 18 19
3 2020-01 677 494 212 187 110 79 65 49 158 23 13 19 19 22 27 22
4 2020-02 593 520 217 195 112 67 62 71 157 25 18 16 24 18 23 20
5 2020-03 637 537 246 187 92 66 59 67 145 21 16 24 18 31 22 14
6 2020-04 647 583 222 154 98 59 48 64 113 20 23 25 19 19 23 21
7 2020-05 629 518 192 176 91 87 50 66 150 43 27 15 18 19 19 13
8 2020-06 663 552 209 185 93 69 54 60 140 39 16 16 17 29 25 16
9 2020-07 599 471 214 193 89 78 65 59 130 40 27 25 21 18 18 12
10 2020-08 615 567 204 182 105 82 62 42 129 47 16 23 21 27 23 20
11 2020-09 621 481 230 220 102 88 56 49 143 54 14 15 17 15 19 15
12 2020-10 637 555 232 203 90 52 63 49 140 33 17 20 22 9 22 21
Date level_1 0
0 2019-10 Samsung 461
1 2019-10 Apple 324
2 2019-10 Huawei 136
3 2019-10 Xiaomi 109
4 2019-10 Oppo 76
... ... ... ...
203 2020-10 Nokia 20
204 2020-10 Lenovo 22
205 2020-10 OnePlus 9
206 2020-10 Sony 22
207 2020-10 Asus 21

208 rows × 3 columns


# 예시2: 아래의 자료를 tidydata로 만들어라.

df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guebin/DV2022/master/posts/Simpson.csv",index_col=0,header=[0,1])
male female
fail pass fail pass
A 314 511 19 89
B 208 352 7 18
C 204 121 391 202
D 279 138 244 131
E 137 54 299 94
F 149 224 103 238
level_0 level_1 level_2 0
0 A fail male 314
1 A fail female 19
2 A pass male 511
3 A pass female 89
4 B fail male 208
5 B fail female 7
6 B pass male 352
7 B pass female 18
8 C fail male 204
9 C fail female 391
10 C pass male 121
11 C pass female 202
12 D fail male 279
13 D fail female 244
14 D pass male 138
15 D pass female 131
16 E fail male 137
17 E fail female 299
18 E pass male 54
19 E pass female 94
20 F fail male 149
21 F fail female 103
22 F pass male 224
23 F pass female 238


D. unstack() + reset_index()

# 예시1.stack().unstack()은 반대연산

/tmp/ipykernel_2417284/3693914824.py:2: FutureWarning: The provided callable <function mean at 0x7fbb9032c310> is currently using SeriesGroupBy.mean. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "mean" instead.
/tmp/ipykernel_2417284/3693914824.py:2: FutureWarning: The provided callable <function mean at 0x7fbb9032c310> is currently using SeriesGroupBy.mean. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "mean" instead.
mean count mean count
AA 1 0.032106 1277 0.004699 1277
2 0.007341 1226 0.001631 1226
3 0.011949 1339 0.001494 1339
4 0.015004 1333 0.003751 1333
5 0.014151 1272 0.000786 1272
... ... ... ... ... ...
WN 3 0.014118 1275 0.001569 1275
4 0.007911 1264 0.003165 1264
5 0.005828 1201 0.000000 1201
6 0.010132 987 0.003040 987
7 0.006066 1154 0.002600 1154

98 rows × 4 columns

mean count mean count
AA 1 0.032106 1277.0 0.004699 1277.0
2 0.007341 1226.0 0.001631 1226.0
3 0.011949 1339.0 0.001494 1339.0
4 0.015004 1333.0 0.003751 1333.0
5 0.014151 1272.0 0.000786 1272.0
... ... ... ... ... ...
WN 3 0.014118 1275.0 0.001569 1275.0
4 0.007911 1264.0 0.003165 1264.0
5 0.005828 1201.0 0.000000 1201.0
6 0.010132 987.0 0.003040 987.0
7 0.006066 1154.0 0.002600 1154.0

98 rows × 4 columns


# 예시2 – 아래의 자료를 tidydata로 만들라.

/tmp/ipykernel_2417284/3693914824.py:2: FutureWarning: The provided callable <function mean at 0x7fbb9032c310> is currently using SeriesGroupBy.mean. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "mean" instead.
/tmp/ipykernel_2417284/3693914824.py:2: FutureWarning: The provided callable <function mean at 0x7fbb9032c310> is currently using SeriesGroupBy.mean. In a future version of pandas, the provided callable will be used directly. To keep current behavior pass the string "mean" instead.
mean count mean count
AA 1 0.032106 1277 0.004699 1277
2 0.007341 1226 0.001631 1226
3 0.011949 1339 0.001494 1339
4 0.015004 1333 0.003751 1333
5 0.014151 1272 0.000786 1272
... ... ... ... ... ...
WN 3 0.014118 1275 0.001569 1275
4 0.007911 1264 0.003165 1264
5 0.005828 1201 0.000000 1201
6 0.010132 987 0.003040 987
7 0.006066 1154 0.002600 1154

98 rows × 4 columns

(풀이1) – stack 2번

AIRLINE WEEKDAY level_2 level_3 0
0 AA 1 mean CANCELLED 0.032106
1 AA 1 mean DIVERTED 0.004699
2 AA 1 count CANCELLED 1277.000000
3 AA 1 count DIVERTED 1277.000000
4 AA 2 mean CANCELLED 0.007341
... ... ... ... ... ...
387 WN 6 count DIVERTED 987.000000
388 WN 7 mean CANCELLED 0.006066
389 WN 7 mean DIVERTED 0.002600
390 WN 7 count CANCELLED 1154.000000
391 WN 7 count DIVERTED 1154.000000

392 rows × 5 columns

(풀이2) – unstack 2번

level_0 level_1 WEEKDAY AIRLINE 0
0 CANCELLED mean 1 AA 0.032106
1 CANCELLED mean 1 AS 0.000000
2 CANCELLED mean 1 B6 0.000000
3 CANCELLED mean 1 DL 0.006068
4 CANCELLED mean 1 EV 0.034130
... ... ... ... ... ...
387 DIVERTED count 7 OO 924.000000
388 DIVERTED count 7 UA 1038.000000
389 DIVERTED count 7 US 263.000000
390 DIVERTED count 7 VX 135.000000
391 DIVERTED count 7 WN 1154.000000

392 rows × 5 columns

예시3 – 아래의 자료를 tidydata로 만들어라.

male female
fail pass fail pass
A 314 511 19 89
B 208 352 7 18
C 204 121 391 202
D 279 138 244 131
E 137 54 299 94
F 149 224 103 238

(풀이1) – stack 2번

level_0 level_1 level_2 0
0 A fail male 314
1 A fail female 19
2 A pass male 511
3 A pass female 89
4 B fail male 208
5 B fail female 7
6 B pass male 352
7 B pass female 18
8 C fail male 204
9 C fail female 391
10 C pass male 121
11 C pass female 202
12 D fail male 279
13 D fail female 244
14 D pass male 138
15 D pass female 131
16 E fail male 137
17 E fail female 299
18 E pass male 54
19 E pass female 94
20 F fail male 149
21 F fail female 103
22 F pass male 224
23 F pass female 238

(풀이2) – unstack 1번

level_0 level_1 level_2 0
0 male fail A 314
1 male fail B 208
2 male fail C 204
3 male fail D 279
4 male fail E 137
5 male fail F 149
6 male pass A 511
7 male pass B 352
8 male pass C 121
9 male pass D 138
10 male pass E 54
11 male pass F 224
12 female fail A 19
13 female fail B 7
14 female fail C 391
15 female fail D 244
16 female fail E 299
17 female fail F 103
18 female pass A 89
19 female pass B 18
20 female pass C 202
21 female pass D 131
22 female pass E 94
23 female pass F 238

7. HW

아래의 자료를 tidydata로 변환하라.

s = pd.Series({
female  A    0.5
        B    0.2
male    A    0.3
        B    0.7
dtype: float64
# 출력결과는 아래와 같아야 한다. 
level_0 level_1 0
0 female A 0.5
1 female B 0.2
2 male A 0.3
3 male B 0.7